A - Z Measures of Spirituality and
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Assessing Spirituality |
This page contains links to scales and questionnaires that measure some aspect of spirituality or religiosity.
Many are from English language publications and
focus on Christianity but others are written to apply to many or any faith traditions.
Some are available in many languages.
Follow the
links to learn more about the measure. In some cases, you will need access to an
online database usually available through university or other large libraries.
In other cases, you may be able to download a scale from the internet or obtain
from one of the authors.
A / B God Scale 👉 AB
Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments scale- Short Form 👉 ASPIRES
to God Inventory 👉 AGI
Attachment to God Scale 👉 AGS
Behaviors Toward God Scale 👉 BTGS
Belief in God Measure 👉 BIGM
Belief in God Scale 👉 BIG
Biblical Conservatism 👉 BC
Biblical Literalism Scale 👉 BLS
Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/ Spirituality 👉 BMMRS
Christian Beliefs Index 👉 CBI
Christian-Based Grief Recovery Scale 👉 CGRS
Christian Nationalism Scale 👉 CNS
Christian Sociomoral Values Index 👉 CSVI
Clergy Situational Restoration Inventory 👉 CSRI
Christian Spiritual Surrender Scale 👉 CSSS
Cultural Christian: A Qualitative Measure 👉 CCQC
Dimensions of Grace Scale 👉 DGS
Divine Forgiveness Scale 👉 DFS
Divine Spiritual Struggles Scale 👉 DSSS
Duke University Religion Index 👉 DUREL
Emotional Faces of Prayer 👉 FACES
Faith at Work Scale 👉 FWS
Faith Situations Questionnaire 👉 FSQ
Five-Factor LAMBI Scale of God Representations 👉 LAMBI
God Images (4 Scales) 👉 GODIMAGE
God & Devil's Ability to Influence Conscience 👉 AIC
God & Satan Involvement in Life Events 👉 ILF
Interfaith Spirituality Scale 👉 IFSS
Interpretation of Death Scale 👉 IOD
Intratextual Fundamentalism Scale 👉 IFS
Intrinsic/Extrinsic Religious Orientation Revised 3 👉 IER-3
of Complicated Spiritual Grief 👉 SPGRIEF
Ironson-Woods Spirituality/ Religiousness Index 👉 IWSRI
Islamic Doctrinal Orthodoxy 👉 IDO
Islamic Religiosity Scale 👉 IRS
Islamophobia Scale 👉 IS
Knowledge-Practice Measure of Islamic Religiosity 👉 KPMIR
Leadership Restoration Scale-Forgive & Restore 👉 LRSF
Leadership Restoration Scale 👉 LRS
Likelihood of Return to a Christian Counselor 👉 LRCC
Please see Creating Surveys on AMAZON or GOOGLE
Manifestation of God in Marriage Revised 👉 MGM-R
Partner-Focused Prayer Measure 👉 PFPM
Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity 👉 PIOS
Pentecostal & Charismatic Spirituality 👉 PCS
Perceived Conflict between Evolution and Religion Scale 👉 PCoRE
Perceived Perfectionism from God Scale 👉 PPGS
Perceptions and Experiences of Grace-Short Form 👉 PEGS-SFPrayer Inventory 👉 PI
Religious Commitment Inventory 👉 RCI
Religious Coping- Brief RCOPE 👉 RCOPE
Religious Head Heart Scale 👉 RHHS
Religious Life Inventory- Revised 👉 RLI-R
Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale 👉 RSS
Sacred Marriage Scales 👉 SMS
Sacred Qualities of Marriage Revised 👉 SQM-R
Sanctification of Parenting Scale-Revised 👉 SPSR
Sanctification of Sexuality in Relationships 👉 SEX-REL
Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire 👉 SCSRFQ
Scale of Religious Cultural Consonance 👉 SRCC
Screening Questions for Spirituality in Counseling 👉 SCREENQ
Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire 👉 SP-ABUSE
Spiritual Assessment & Counseling Trauma Survivors 👉 SACTS
Spiritual Assessment Inventory 👉 SAI
Spiritual Bypass Scale 👉 SBS-13
Spiritual Meaning Scale 👉 SMS
Spiritual Practices Index 👉 SPI
Spiritual Modeling Self-Efficacy Scale >> SMSE
Theistic Intellectual Humility Scale 👉 TIHS
Theistic Spirituality Outcome (psychotherapy) Scale 👉 TSOS
Applied Statistics Concepts for Counselors on AMAZON or GOOGLE
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and see my books on AMAZON or GOOGLE
consider connecting with me on FACEBOOK Geoff W. Sutton
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You can read many published articles at no charge:
Academia Geoff W Sutton ResearchGate
W Sutton
Assessing Spirituality & Religiosity - A Handbook
Available on AMAZON
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