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Spiritual Assessment


                      A - Z  Measures of Spirituality and Religiosity

Assessing Spirituality

This page contains links to scales and questionnaires that measure some aspect of spirituality or religiosity. 

Many are from English language publications and focus on Christianity but others are written to apply to many or any faith traditions. Some are available in many languages.

Follow the links to learn more about the measure. In some cases, you will need access to an online database usually available through university or other large libraries. In other cases, you may be able to download a scale from the internet or obtain from one of the authors.


A / B God Scale   ðŸ‘‰  AB

Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments scale- Short Form 👉  ASPIRES

Attachment to God Inventory  👉      AGI

Attachment to God Scale  ðŸ‘‰      AGS


Behaviors Toward God Scale  ðŸ‘‰        BTGS

Belief in God Measure   ðŸ‘‰     BIGM

Belief in God Scale   ðŸ‘‰    BIG

Biblical Conservatism    ðŸ‘‰  BC

Biblical Literalism Scale  ðŸ‘‰      BLS

Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/ Spirituality  ðŸ‘‰      BMMRS


Christian Beliefs Index    ðŸ‘‰    CBI

Christian-Based Grief Recovery Scale ðŸ‘‰  CGRS

Christian Nationalism Scale   ðŸ‘‰  CNS

Christian Sociomoral Values Index  ðŸ‘‰  CSVI

Clergy Situational Restoration Inventory  ðŸ‘‰      CSRI

Christian Spiritual Surrender Scale    ðŸ‘‰   CSSS

Connection of Soul Scale (COS)   ðŸ‘‰   COS

Cultural Christian: A Qualitative Measure  ðŸ‘‰  CCQC


Dimensions of Grace Scale   ðŸ‘‰     DGS

Divine Forgiveness Scale    ðŸ‘‰   DFS

Divine Spiritual Struggles Scale  👉   DSSS

Duke University Religion Index   ðŸ‘‰     DUREL


Emotional Faces of Prayer   ðŸ‘‰  FACES


Faith at Work Scale   ðŸ‘‰  FWS

Faith Situations Questionnaire    ðŸ‘‰   FSQ

Five-Factor LAMBI Scale of God Representations  ðŸ‘‰      LAMBI


God Images (4 Scales)  ðŸ‘‰      GODIMAGE

 God Image Scales   ðŸ‘‰    GIS

God & Devil's Ability to Influence Conscience  ðŸ‘‰   AIC

God & Satan Involvement in Life Events   ðŸ‘‰   ILF


Interfaith Spirituality Scale  ðŸ‘‰     IFSS

Interpretation of Death Scale ðŸ‘‰    IOD

Intratextual Fundamentalism Scale ðŸ‘‰        IFS

Intrinsic/Extrinsic Religious Orientation Revised 3 ðŸ‘‰        IER-3

Inventory of Complicated Spiritual Grief ðŸ‘‰       SPGRIEF

Ironson-Woods Spirituality/ Religiousness Index   ðŸ‘‰    IWSRI

Islamic Doctrinal Orthodoxy    👉   IDO

Islamic Religiosity Scale  👉  IRS

Islamophobia Scale    ðŸ‘‰     IS

Knowledge-Practice Measure of Islamic Religiosity   ðŸ‘‰   KPMIR


Leadership Restoration Scale-Forgive & Restore  ðŸ‘‰      LRSF

Leadership Restoration Scale ðŸ‘‰      LRS

Likelihood of Return to a Christian Counselor  👉  LRCC


Please see Creating Surveys on   AMAZON      or      GOOGLE



Manifestation of God in Marriage Revised  ðŸ‘‰      MGM-R

Moral Foundations Sacredness Scale   ðŸ‘‰  MFSS

Muslim Attitudes Toward Religion Scale  👉   MARS

New Indices of Religious Orientation  
 ðŸ‘‰    NIRO


Partner-Focused Prayer Measure ðŸ‘‰       PFPM

Penn Inventory of Scrupulosity   ðŸ‘‰  PIOS

Pentecostal & Charismatic Spirituality ðŸ‘‰       PCS

Perceived Conflict between Evolution and Religion Scale  ðŸ‘‰      PCoRE

Perceived Perfectionism from God Scale    ðŸ‘‰   PPGS

Perceptions and Experiences of Grace-Short Form   ðŸ‘‰   PEGS-SF

Prayer Inventory  ðŸ‘‰      PI


Redemptive Violence & Belief in Evil   ðŸ‘‰     VIOLENCE

Religious Beliefs Salience   ðŸ‘‰     RBS

Religious Commitment Inventory ðŸ‘‰      RCI

Religious Coping- Brief RCOPE ðŸ‘‰       RCOPE

Religious Head Heart Scale  ðŸ‘‰   RHHS

Religious Life Inventory- Revised   ðŸ‘‰   RLI-R   

Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale  ðŸ‘‰      RSS

Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale-14    ðŸ‘‰    RSS-14


Sacred Marriage Scales  ðŸ‘‰      SMS

Sacred Qualities of Marriage Revised  ðŸ‘‰      SQM-R

Sanctification of Parenting Scale-Revised  ðŸ‘‰     SPSR

Sanctification of Sexuality in Relationships  ðŸ‘‰      SEX-REL

Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire ðŸ‘‰        SCSRFQ

Scale of Religious Cultural Consonance   ðŸ‘‰   SRCC

Screening Questions for Spirituality in Counseling  ðŸ‘‰         SCREENQ

Spiritual Abuse Questionnaire ðŸ‘‰       SP-ABUSE

Spiritual Assessment & Counseling Trauma Survivors  ðŸ‘‰  SACTS

Spiritual Assessment Inventory  👉  SAI 

Spiritual Bypass Scale 👉   SBS-13

Spiritual Meaning Scale   ðŸ‘‰    SMS

Spiritual Practices Index  ðŸ‘‰      SPI

Spiritual Modeling Self-Efficacy Scale >>  SMSE

Spiritual Struggles Interview  👉    SSI

Spiritual Well-Being Scale  👉   SWB


Theistic Intellectual Humility Scale  👉  TIHS

Theistic Spirituality Outcome (psychotherapy) Scale ðŸ‘‰       TSOS

 Transcendent Indebtedness to God Scale ðŸ‘‰     T-ITG


Applied Statistics Concepts for Counselors on   AMAZON    or   GOOGLE


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You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 



Assessing Spirituality & Religiosity - A Handbook

Available on AMAZON


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