In statistics, an effect size ( ES ) indicates the strength of the relationship between two variables. In psychological experiments, researchers are interested in the strength of the effect of the Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable. In psychotherapy studies, researchers may be interested in the effects of treatment on a measure of the dependent variable. A research questions may be framed: How effective is a set of 6 CBT sessions on the reduction of depression? Psychologists have often described effect sizes as small, medium, or large. Cohen's d Cohen's d is a measure of effect size between two groups. The mean of one group is subtracted from a second group and divided by the pooled standard deviation of the two groups. ES = (M1 - M2) / SD Effect Size Label 0.2 Small 0.5 Medium 0.8 Large Pearson Correlation Coefficient ( r ) 0.1 to 0.3 Small 0.3 to 0.5 Medium 0.5 to 1.0 Large Converting Co...
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