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Showing posts with the label Equality Fairness

Beliefs in a Just World Scale

    According to the just world hypothesis , ā€œpeople have a need to believe that their environment is a just and orderly place where people usually get what they deserve (Lerner & Miller, 1978, p. 1030).ā€ Beliefs about a just world may be measured with the Global Belief in a Just World Scale (Lipkus, 1991). The scale has 7-items, which participants rate on a 6-point basis: 1 = strong disagreement and 6 = strong disagreement about the applicability of an item to oneself. Permission According to PsycTESTS, contact the publisher and corresponding author. Author contact as of 21 December 2020 Sample items 1. I feel that people get what they are entitled to have. 7. I basically feel that the world is a fair place.   References Lerner, M. J., & Miller, D. T. (1978). Just world research and the attribution process: Looking back and ahead.  Psychological Bulletin ,  85 (5), 1030ā€“1051.  ...

The Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ)

The  Moral Foundations Questionnaire  ( MFQ ) is available online and as a download. You can take the test online and get your scores. The MFQ is designed to measure the five core moral foundations derived from Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) developed by Jonathan Haidt and his colleagues. (See references at the end of this post). The MFQ evaluates moral foundations based on answers to questions. There are five moral foundations in the MFQ: Care-Harm Equality-Fairness; aka fairness/cheating Loyalty-Betrayal Authority-Respect; aka Authority/subversion Purity-Sanctity aka Sanctity/degradation I added the aka because you will find somewhat different words for the foundations in some articles. See this page for a description of Moral Foundations Theory Researchers can use the MFQ items to create their own surveys. The current version (2018) is a 30-item version known as the MFQ30. There is also a shorter version known as the MFQ20, which has 20 items, 4-items for ea...