MANCOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Covariance). A statistical procedure for analyzing results when there are one or more independent variables , two or more dependent variables , and one or more covariates . Basic components of MANCOVA Independent or grouping Variable = 1 or more Dependent or criterion Variable = 2 or more Covariates = 1 or more Overall tests are used to determine significant effects or differences among the grouping variables. An F test indicates significance overall and for specific effects or relationships. A commonly reported measure of effect size is eta squared. A p value reveals the probability of a significant relationship-- one that is not due to chance factors. Applied Statistics Concepts for Counselors on AMAZON or GOOGLE Creating Surveys on AMAZON or GOOGLE Worldwide Links to Connections Checkout My Website See my Books AMA...
Find tests, questionnaires, examples of charts, and tips on statistics related to psychology, counseling, social work and other behavioral science fields. I may earn from purchases of advertised or linked products. Note: Most tests and questionnaires are for research purposes and not for personal assessment. Readers interested in personal evaluations should consult a psychologist or other qualified provider.