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Showing posts with the label race and forgiveness

FORGIVENESS - Group Forgiveness Scale GFS

Scale Name: Group Forgiveness Scale (GFS) The Group Forgiveness Scale (GFS) was developed to measure forgiveness of identity-related offenses. Research supports three factors for the 17 items: Avoidance, Revenge, Decision to Forgive. In the article describing its development, the authors focused on problems of race relations in the United States (see Davis et al., 2015, below). The GFS is an adaptation of the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Scale (TRIM). According to the 2015 article by Don Davis and his research team, 17-items resulted in factor loadings on three distinct subscales: Avoidance, Revenge, and Decision to Forgive. Sample items for each factor are as follows: Avoidance             I am avoiding them. Revenge             I am going to get even. Decision to Forgive             I have decided to forgive them. Reliability Data Reliability values were strong as measured by Cronbach’s alpha (Study 3: Avoidance .96; Revenge .9