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Showing posts with the label prayer

Emotional Faces of Prayer

  This image is not one used in the research described below. Assessment name: Emotional Faces of Prayer Scale overview: The Emotional Faces of Prayer consists of seven cartoon faces used to assess children’s responses to questions about prayer. Authors: Bamford and Lagattuta Response Type: “Yes” or “No” response to questions about prayer presented to children along with pictures of faces that illustrate emotions. Items The items are cartoon faces pictured on 4 x 5 inch cards. Four faces represent positive emotions: happy, proud, thankful, okay. Three faces represent negative emotions: sad, mad, afraid. Psychometric properties See the results section for data analyses. Availability: See figure 1 on page 80 of the article for the 7 faces. Communication may be sent to References for the assessment procedure Bamford, C., & Lagattuta, K. H. (2010). A new look at children’s understanding of mind and emotion: The case of prayer. Developmen

Partner-Focused Prayer Measure

  Scale name: Partner-Focused Prayer Measure Scale overview: The Partner-Focused Prayer Measure is a 4-item, 5-point rating scale evaluating the frequency of prayer for one’s partner as a part of a study relating partner prayer to infidelity. Authors: Frank D. Fincham and Nathaniel M. Lambert, The Florida State University, Steven R. H. Beach, University of Georgia Response Type : The Partner-Focused Prayer Measure uses a 5 point scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (very frequently). Sample items : 3. I ask God to watch over my partner. 4. I pray for my partner to reach his/her goals Reliability: Alpha = .96. Validity: The content of the scale appears to accomplish its purpose and it was useful in the study. Availability: The full set of 4 items is on page 2 of the PsycTESTS entry. Permissions Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning onl

Prayer Inventory

  Scale name: Prayer Inventory Scale overview: The Prayer Inventory is a 24-item rating scale. Authors: Bänziger, S., van Uden, M., & Janssen, J. Response Type: The items are rated on a 7-point scale  (Never=  1; Occasionally=2; Sometimes=3; Regularly=4;  Often=5; Very often=6; Always=7). Sample items             4. In my prayers, I ask for forgiveness 14. Difficult moments are a reason to pray Reliability and Validity: See the 2008 article for details. Availability: The 24-items are available in the PsyTESTS reference. Permissions : PsycTESTS, advises contact of the publisher and corresponding author.   References Bänziger, S., van Uden, M., & Janssen, J. (2008). Prayer Inventory [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS . doi: Bänziger, Sarah, van Uden, Marinus, & Janssen, Jacques. (2008). Praying and coping: The relation between varieties of praying and religious coping styles. Mental Health, Religio