Scale name: Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test-Short Form (GRAT-S) Scale overview: The short form of the Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test (GRAT-S) is a self-report measure, which consists of 16 items assessing trait gratitude. The original GRAT scale by Watkins et al. (2003) consisted of 44 items rated on a five-point scale of agreement. The 16-item short form (GRAT-S) was used by Watkins et al. (2017) in a study about joy and gratitude. Response Type: The 16 items are rated on a 9-point scale of agreement from 1 = I strongly disagree to 9 = I strongly agree with the statement. Sample Scale items 1. I couldn't have gotten where I am today without the help of many people. 6. I really don't think that I've gotten all the good things that I deserve in life. (Reverse score) Reliability: Watkins et al. (2017) reported GRAT-S Cronbach’s alpha = .84. Validity: The GRAT-S was positively correlated with the State Joy Scale and the Dispos
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