Helping Hikers - Forbes link Scale name: Organizational Trust Index (OTI) Scale overview The OTI evaluates trust in an organization with items that reflect five dimensions of trust. Of note, trust is a key component of working relationships and efforts to encourage reconciliation following a rift. Organisational trust is the degree of confidence employees have in the actions of an organisation's leaders and their decisions. Author(s) See the “about” tab at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs ( UCCS ) Website for the OTI. Items: In 2021 there were 29 items on the OTI scale. Response Type The OTI is a 5-point rating scale. Each item can be rated from “very little” to “very great.” Subscales: The OTI refers to 5 dimensions of trust: Competence Openness and Honesty Concern for Employees Reliability Identification Sample item My immediate superviso...
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