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Parent-Child Relationship Scale CPRS Review

  Scale name: Parent-Child Relationship Scale CPRS Scale overview: The Parent-Child Relationship Scale (CPRS) is a 15-item parent self-report rating of relational conflict and closeness. Response Type: Items are rated on a scale of applicability from 1 to 5. Instructions and number terms are as follows. Each items uses the same five point scale. Please assign the following values to each response: 1 = definitely does not apply 2 = not really 3 = neutral, not sure 4 = applies somewhat 5 = definitively applies Subscales = 2     Conflict 8-items: 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14     Closeness 7- items: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15 Sample Scale items   Closeness items    I share an affectionate, warm relationship with my child.    When I praise my child, he/she beams with pride   Conflict items    My child and I always seem to be struggling with each other.    My child easily becomes angry at me. Scale statistics See Table 2 of the article below for means and standa

Father-Daughter Relationship Scale

  Scale name: Father Daughter Relationship Scale Scale overview: The Father-Daughter Relationship Scale is a 9-item scale of perceived closeness, which was studied in a sample of young women. Authors: Jennie Brown, Laura Thompson, David Trafimow Response Type: All items are rated on a scale of 4 to 7 values depending on the questions about time or closeness. Subscales = 2 Closeness = 4 items Time together = 5 items Sample : One sample of mostly Euro-American or Hispanic American women between age 17 and 25. Reliability: Cronbach’s alpha = .89 Validity: Factor analysis reported.   Availability: See Appendix A, p. 214.   Reference for the scale Brown, J., Thompson, L. A., & Trafimow, D. (2002). The father-daughter relationship rating scale.  Psychological Reports ,  90 (1), 212–214.   Reference for using scales in research: Buy Creating Surveys  on GOOGLE BOOKS   AMAZON       Reference for clin

Faith Situations Questionnaire FSQ

  Scale name: Faith Situations Questionnaire FSQ Scale overview: Caregivers provide information about the presence and severity of 19 child behavior problems in faith situations. Scores may be compared to norms for children age 5-12. Authors: Hathaway, Douglas, & Grabowski Response Type: Raters answer each item as present or absent and if present, the item is rated on a 9-point scale where 9 = the highest severe rating. Sample items: Instructions: Does your child present any problems with compliance to instructions, commands, or rules for you in any of these situations? If so, please circle the word Yes and then circle a number beside that situation that describes how severe the problem is for you. If your child is not a problem in a situation, circle No and go on to the next situation on the form.                When saying prayers During a religious instruction class, such as Sunday school, catechism or Hebrew school Psychometrics : The FSQ sample was similar to

Positive Home Integration Scale (PHIS) (Foster Homes)

Scale name: Positive Home Integration Scale (PHIS) Scale overview The PHIS is a 9-item Likert-type rating scale. “This article introduces a youth-reported measure (Essential Youth Experiences [EYE]) developed to assess the experiences of foster youth in their home environment and their critical relationships across a number of service systems.” (From the Abstract) Author(s) Kothari, Brianne H., McBeath, Bowen, Bank, Lew, Sorenson, Paul, Waid, Jeff, & Webb, Sara Jade. (2018 Items = 9 Response Type Ratings from 1 to 10 with two anchors (they vary with the item) and a midrange label (somewhat). Subscales None identified in the PsycTESTS source. Sample item To what extent do you feel that you are treated with kindness in your (foster) home?   Reliability & Validity See the article reference for psychometric properties.   Availability The full set of 9 items with the 10-point descriptive labels can be found in the PsycTESTS reference below.   Permissi

Family Stress Measure (Foster Parents)

  Scale name: Family Stress Measure   Scale overview The five questions on the Family Stress Scale were rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from never to very often .   Author(s) Geiger, J. M., Hayes, M. J., & Lietz, C. A. (2013) Items = 5   Response Type: Likert-type, 5-point   Sample item How often have you experienced any of the following events: 1. Severe difficulties with your foster child's biological family/parents?   Reliability/ Validity Not reported in PsycTESTS entry.   Availability The 5-items are listed in the PsycTESTS entry. Geiger, J. M., Hayes, M. J., & Lietz, C. A. (2013). Family Stress Measure [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS. doi:   Permissions -- if identified “Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in t