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Student Self-Efficacy

  Assessment name:  STUDENT SELF-EFFICACY SCALE * Note. This post has been updated to provide an available measure of student self-efficacy. ———- Scale overview:  The  student self-efficacy scale i s a 10-item measure of self-efficacy. It was developed using data from university nursing students in the United States. Authors: Melodie Rowbotham and Gerdamarie Schmitz Response Type:  A four-choice rating scale as follows: 1 = not at all true 2 = hardly true 3 = moderately true 4 = exactly true   Self-efficacy is the perception that a person can act in a way to achieve a desired goal.  Scale items There are 10 items. Examples: I am confident in my ability to learn, even if I am having a bad day. If I try hard enough, I can obtain the academic goals I desire.   Psychometric properties The authors reported that their sample scores ranged from 25 to 40 with a scale mean of 34.23 ( SD  = 3.80. Internal consistency was high at alpha = .84. The authors reported the results of a principal compon

Spiritual Modeling Self-Efficacy (SMSE)

  Scale name: Spiritual Modeling Self-Efficacy (SMSE) Scale overview: The Spiritual Modeling Self-Efficacy scale is a 10-item self-report measure of a person’s ability to learn from spiritual models. The scale is based on Bandura’s social learning theory. People learn best from models when they perceive they have the capacity to do what the model does (self-efficacy).   Read more about self-efficacy. Authors: Doug Oman et al. (See reference article below.) Response Type: Respondents were instructed to rate each item on a scale from 0 (cannot do at all) to 100 (certain can do) representing the degree of certainty that they could perform the action described in each item. Sample items 1. Identify persons in my family or community who, at least in some respects, offer good spiritual examples for me 3. Be aware almost daily of the spiritual actions and attitudes of people in my family and community who are good spiritual examples   Subscales = 2 SMSE-C five item

Reading Self-Efficacy Scales

  Scale name:   Reading Self-Efficacy Scales   Scale overview: The Reading Self-Efficacy Scales (RSES) measure eight beliefs of students’ capacity to read in a culturally familiar context. Authors: Heather M. Kelley et al. Response Type: Students used an 11-point numbered scale (0 to 10) to rate their beliefs about reading. Each of five phrases are linked to more than one number. The five phrases are: Not sure, A Little Sure, Kind of Sure, Sure, Really Sure. Sample items When you read in your English Language Arts class, how sure are you that you could successfully … Identify the main idea of a story. Identify the place where a story happened. Scale note: The wording of the scales was similar but modified depending on one of three tasks: General reading (GR), Culturally familiar (CF), Culturally unfamiliar (CU). Reliability: Internally consistency was measured with Cronbach’s alpha for each scale: GR = .85, CF = .90, CU = .70 (rounded). Validity: The scale i

The Diet Self-Efficacy Scale (DIET-SE)

  Scale name: The Diet Self Efficacy Scale (DIET-SE) Scale overview: The Diet Self-Efficacy Scale (DIET-SE) is an 11-item self-report measure. Respondents rate their degree of confidence in managing eating situations. Authors: Stich et al. (see reference below) Response Type: A 5-point Likert Type rating of confidence 0 = Not at all 1 = A little confident 2 = Moderately confident 3 = Quite confident 4 = Very confident Sample items 1. You are having dinner with your family and your favorite meal has been prepared. You finish the first helping and someone says, "Why don't you have some more?" How confident are you that you would turn down a second helping? 5. You are invited to someone's house for dinner and your host is an excellent cook. You often overeat because the food tastes so good. How confident are you that you   would not overeat as a dinner guest? Subscales = 3 HCF = HIGH CALORIC FOOD TEMPTATIONS SIF = SOCIAL AND INTERNAL FACTORS NE

Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ)

  Scale name: Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ) Scale overview: The Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Anxiety Questionnaire (MSEAQ) is a 29-item self-report measure of both mathematics self-efficacy and mathematics anxiety. Author: Diana Kathleen May Response Type: Items are rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale following a “no response” option: 1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Sometimes 4 = Often 5 = usually Sample items 1. I feel confident enough to ask questions  in my mathematics class. 6. I worry that I will not be able to get a  good grade in my mathematics course.   Subscales and basic statistics for the MSEAQ       Self-Efficacy M = 44.11, SD = 10.78, alpha = .93       Anxiety M = 46.47, SD = 12.61, alpha = .93       Total Scale M = 90.58, SD = 22.78, alpha = .96 Reliability: See the Cronbach’s alpha levels reported above. Validity: There were significant positive correlations with similar measures. The results of a Fa