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Showing posts with the label LGBTQ

Christian Sociomoral Values Index

  Scale name: Christian Sociomoral Values Index Scale overview: This 13-item rating scale aims to measure the importance of select moral values commonly held among conservative Christians.   Response Type: Items are rated on a scale of agreement as follows: 1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 =   Neither Agree nor Disagree 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly agree Scale items = 13 1. All forms of birth control are sinful. 2. Birth control methods are acceptable if they do not cause an abortion. 3. Abortion is always sinful. 4. Premarital sex is always sinful. 5. Cohabitation is always sinful. 6. A biblical marriage is between one man and one woman. 7. Same-sex marriage is sinful. 8. Divorce is sinful. 9. Sexual orientation is a choice. 10. In a Christian marriage, a man and a woman submit to each other, but the man is always the head of the marriage. 11. Women have a vital role in Christian ministry, but they should not be priests or pastors. 12. Women have an important role

Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale SOI

  Scale name:   Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale  (SOI) Scale overview: The Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale measures three dimensions of sexual orientation: Affirmation, Exploration, Resolution. English and Spanish versions are available. Authors:   Toomey, R. B., Anhalt, K., & Shramko, M. Response Type :  4-point rating scale:  1 = Does not describe me at all,  2 = Describes me a little, 3 = Describes me well,  4 = Describes me very well. Español 1 = No me describe en absolute,   2 = Me escribe un poco,    3 = Me describe bien, 4 = Me describe muy bien Subscales: There are three subscales (alpha values in parentheses):       Affirmation ( Spearman-Brown .81)        Exploration (Spearman-Brown .61)         Resolution ( alpha .67)   Sample items   1. I have attended events that have helped me learn about my  sexual orientation, such as gay-straight alliance meetings or  events at a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT)

Transgender Positive Identity Measure (T-PIM)

  Scale name: Transgender Positive Identity Measure (T-PIM) Scale overview: The Transgender Positive Identity Measure (T-PIM) is a 24-item, 7-point measure of positive identity for people who identify as transgender. Authors: Riggle, E. D. B., & Mohr, J. J. (2015) Response Type: 7-point rating scale; 1 = disagree strongly, 7 = agree strongly Subscales: There are five factors Authenticity Intimacy Community Social Justice Insights   Sample items     My LGBT identity has given me more confidence     I feel supported by the LGBT community Reliability: Alpha for the 24-items was .93. Alpha values for the five subscales range from .81 to .92. Validity: The authors reported   their method of selecting five factors based on factor analysis. Availability: The full set of 24 items can be found in the PsycTESTS reference. Permissions -- if identified “Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without

Bisexual Identity Inventory (BII)

  Scale name: Bisexual Identity Inventory (BII) Scale overview: The Bisexual Identity Inventory measures dimensions of bisexual identity using 24-items rated on a 7-point scale. Authors : Paul, Ron, Smith, Nathan Grant, Mohr, Jonathan J., & Ross, Lori E. (2014). Response Type: 7-point Likert-type ratings from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. Subscales:   Four (coefficient alphas in parentheses from two samples) Illegitimacy of Bisexual Identity (.80, .84) Anticipated Binegativity (.78, .73) Internalized Binegativity (.87, .84) Identity Affirmation (.91, .93) See Paul et al. (2014b) for factors and psychometrics.   Sample items 1. People probably do not take me seriously when I tell them I am bisexual. 24. I would be better off if I would identify as gay or straight, rather than bisexual Reliability: Coefficient alphas range from .73 to .93 for the Validity: All subscales except Identity Affirmation were significantly correlated with de