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Showing posts with the label Spirituality or Religiosity

Emotional Faces of Prayer

  This image is not one used in the research described below. Assessment name: Emotional Faces of Prayer Scale overview: The Emotional Faces of Prayer consists of seven cartoon faces used to assess children’s responses to questions about prayer. Authors: Bamford and Lagattuta Response Type: “Yes” or “No” response to questions about prayer presented to children along with pictures of faces that illustrate emotions. Items The items are cartoon faces pictured on 4 x 5 inch cards. Four faces represent positive emotions: happy, proud, thankful, okay. Three faces represent negative emotions: sad, mad, afraid. Psychometric properties See the results section for data analyses. Availability: See figure 1 on page 80 of the article for the 7 faces. Communication may be sent to References for the assessment procedure Bamford, C., & Lagattuta, K. H. (2010). A new look at children’s understanding of mind and emotion: The case of prayer. Developmen

Faith at Work Scale (FWS)

  Assessment name:   Faith at Work Scale (FWS) Scale overview: The Faith at Work Scale is a 15-item, single-factor, self-report assessment of five dimensions of faith at work. Authors: Monty Lynn, Michael Naughton, Steve VanderVeen Response Type: A five-point rating scale   5 = Always or frequently   4 = Often   3 = Sometimes   2 = Seldom   1 = Never or infrequently Scale items There are 15 items Although there is one factor, the authors identify 5 dimensions: Relationship, Meaning, Community, Holiness, Giving. Sample items:   I sense God’s presence while at work.   I pursue excellence at work because of my faith. Population sampled:   Alumni of business programs from four US religious higher education institutions.    They were stratified by graduation decade between 1958 and 2005   Contact by email 272 of 1284 email responses- active religious workers = 234 Psychometric properties Data analyses supported one factor.    Eigenvalue = 8.88, variance accounted fo

A/B God Scale

  Assessment name:   A/B God Scale Scale overview: The A/B God Scale measures God representations with two scales, which assess an Authoritarian (A) and a Benevolent (B) representation of God. Authors: Kathryn A. Johnson et al. Response Type: The participants rate adjectives on a 7-point scale of agreement.   Scale items: There are 18 items, nine each for the A and B scales. Examples of Adjectives A Authoritarian God    Controlling   Strict   Punishing B Benevolent God   Gracious   Forgiving   Compassionate Psychometric properties From Johnson et al. (2015): The two-scale structure was supported by the results of Principal Components Analysis. In study 1, alpha values were above .90 for scales A and B. See the four studies for additional data supporting strong internal consistency. The authors also report test-retest values and validity data. Big 5 correlations A God was significantly negatively correlated with Agreeableness. B God was significantly correla

Spiritual Bypass Scale (SBS-13)

  Assessment name:   Spiritual Bypass Scale-13 (SBS-13) Scale overview: To assess the observed spiritual bypassing phenomenon, Fox et al. (2017) developed the 13 item Spiritual Bypass Scale . Authors: Fox, Cashwell, and Picciotto    [ Read more about Spiritual Bypassing in Psychotherapy] Response Type: The 13 items are rated on a four-point scale of agreement. Scale items Data analyses from two ethnically diverse US adult samples supported two factors (Psychological Avoidance, PA; Spiritualizing, SP). PA example: When I am in pain, I believe God will deliver me from it SP example: When someone I know is in trouble, I believe it is because they have done something wrong spiritually.   Psychometric properties Cronbach’salphas: Total scale = .85, PA = .82; Sp = .75. The total SBS score was associated with the ASPIRES subscales except for connectedness. PA was associated with depression and SP with stress and anxiety (DASS-21). The overall SBS score was correl

Spiritual Assessment Inventory

  Girls by a stone church 2023 by Geoffrey W Sutton & Bing AI Assessment name:   Spiritual Assessment Inventory Scale overview: The Spiritual Assessment Inventory (SAI-2002) is a 48-item self-report measure of spiritual development (Hall & Edwards, 1996, 2002): Awareness of God and Quality of Relationship with God. Authors: Hall & Edwards Response Type: . Respondents rate each item on a five-point scale of personal truth (1= not at all true, 2 = slightly true, 3 = moderately true, 4 = substantially true, and 5 = very true). Scales The authors examined a large pool of items in several studies and identified the best items that measured the following five factors. The items are included in the 2002 reference. Awareness of God (A) Disappointment in Relationship with God (D) Realistic Acceptance of God (R) Grandiosity in Relationship with God (G Instability in Relationship with God (I)   Psychometric properties The authors provide evidence for inter