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Showing posts with the label attachment to God

How to Measure Closeness in Relationships- Line Scale of Closeness

  Line Scale of Closeness (LSC) The Line Scale of Closeness (LSC) is a simple measure that can be used in clinical or research settings. In a clinical setting, psychotherapists and clients can explore any barriers to closeness and discuss how the level of closeness has changed over time. The LSC may also be used to identify progress toward counseling goals. To compare changes over time or differences between groups, use a standardized line length such as 7-inches or 18-cm.  On each end of the line, identify the client or participant and on the opposite end of the line, identify the person who is the subject of feeling close to or distant from. Ask the client or participant to place an X on the line to indicate how close they feel toward the other person. Example   Example        ______________________________________________________________ Self Other   Scoring Place a ruler on the scale and record the sc...

Attachment to God Scale

  The Attachment to God Scale (AGS ), like other attachment measures, includes scales for anxious and avoidant dimensions of attachment (Rowatt, 2002).  The 9-items are rated on a 7-point scale ranging from (1= strongly disagree ; 7 = strongly agree ).   Rowatt and Kirkpatrick (2002) found support for two dimensions of attachment to God and reported Alpha values of .92 for avoidance and .80 for anxious attachment (Rowatt & Kirkpatrick, 2002). If we think more positively, people who are low on anxious attachment to God would feel more secure. Likewise, people low on avoidant attachment to God would feel closer to God.   Sample items from the AGS   God seems to have little or no interest in my personal affairs. I have a warm relationship with God.   Where to find the AGS   See the Rowatt (2002) reference below.   Related Posts Attachment and Attachment Theory Attachment to God Attachment to God Inventory (AGI) ...

Attachment to God Inventory

The Attachment to God Inventory (AGI) developed by Richard Beck and Angie McDonald (2004) consists of 28 items divided into two subscales (14 items each for Avoidant and Anxious Attachment). The AGI is based on attachment theory as applied to the study of the relationship between Christians and God commonly portrayed as a parent-child relationship and referred to in the literature as attachment to God (e.g., Kirkpatrick, 2012).  Avoidant attachment refers to a sense of distance from God. People close to God view God as protective.  Anxious attachment reflects an insecure relationship with God in contrast to a secure relationship. Participants rate each scale item from 1= disagree strongly to 7 = agree strongly . A sample item from the avoidant subscale is, “I prefer not to depend too much on God.” A sample item from the anxious subscale is, “I worry a lot about my relationship with God.” Based on two college and one community samples, Beck and McDonald ...