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Showing posts with the label positive psychology

Persevering Hope Scale (PHS)

  Hope (2023) by Geoffrey W Sutton and Bing AI Assessment name:   Persevering Hope Scale (PHS) Scale overview: Sandra Yu Rueger and her colleagues developed the Persevering Hope Scale (PHS) to assess peoples’ motivation to persevere in situations where the achievement of goals seems unlikely or even impossible. They drew upon knowledge from theological, empirical, and clinical experience to develop the four-item self-report measure. Authors: Sandra Yu Rueger and her colleagues Response Type: Respondents see a stem, “When an outcome I desire seems unlikely or even impossible…” then rate each variation on the perseverance theme on a scale of frequency from (1 = not at all to 5 = very). Scale items There are four items, which refer to a person’s willingness to keep trying and not give up when pursuing a desired outcome. See the article appendix for the list of items. Psychometric properties Rueger et al. (2023) conducted their research among adults in the US. A...

Values in Action VIA Character Strengths

  Assessment name:        Values in Action – Inventory of Strengths – Revised (VIA-IS-R) Scale overview: The Values in Action – Inventory of Strengths – Revised (VIA-IS-R) is a 192-item self-report inventory of 24 character strengths associated with one of 6 virtues. The VIA-IS-R is a revision of the earlier VIA based on the theory developed by Peterson and Seligman (2004). As a measure that increases self-awareness using questions to identify thinking, feeling, and behavior, the VIA measures the central core Self of the SCOPES model along with common psychological functioning of Cognition, Emotion, and Observable behavior patterns albeit, the instrument relies on self-report. Authors: Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson (2004) Robert McGrath wrote the technical manual for the revised edition (2019).   Response Type: Items are rated on a 7-point scale of agreement from Very Strongly Disagree to Very Strongly Agree. Scales and items ...

Two-factor Self-Forgiveness Scale (Griffin 2016)

  Assessment name:   Two-factor Self-Forgiveness Scale Scale overview: The Two-factor Self-Forgiveness Scale is a 10-item self-report measure of two factors of self-forgiveness: Decisional Affirmation of Values(DAV), Emotional Restoration of Esteem (ERE). The names of the two factors represent the dual-process model of self-forgiveness.   Read more about the concept of Self-Forgiveness Author:   Brandon Griffin   Response Type: Items are rated on a 7-point scale of agreement from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree. Scale items Each of the two factors are assessed based on responses to five items. DAV items focus on thoughts about one’s wrongdoing and ERE items assess feelings about oneself related to the wrongdoing. Psychometric properties Griffin provides extensive findings in his dissertation (2016). The first two studies support the two-factor structure. Study two includes evidence supporting criterion-related validity. Data analyse...

Peace Evaluation Across Cultures and Environments (PEACE)

  Assessment names: Peace Evaluation Across Cultures and Environments (PEACE) Scale overview:   The PEACE scale is a five-point Likert-type scale consisting of seven subscales derived from 41 items. The research team developed a working definition of peace: A feeling of calm and/or freedom from struggles within self and others in a non-violent environment where hope outweighs resignation. ”   Response Type: The items are rated on a scale assessing the degree to which a statement is true about the participant: Not at all true, A little true, Moderately true, Quite a bit true, and Completely true. Subscales: There are seven subscales each having six items except Basic Needs, which has five items. The seven subscales are organized according to two factors. The subscales are listed below along with Cronbach’s Alpha values.    Psychological Factor Emotional tone, 0.83 Agency,   0.72 Hope,   0.73 Tolerance,   0.65    Soci...

Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test-Short Form (GRAT-S)

  Scale name: Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test-Short Form (GRAT-S) Scale overview: The short form of the Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test (GRAT-S) is a self-report measure, which consists of 16 items assessing trait gratitude. The original GRAT scale by Watkins et al. (2003) consisted of 44 items rated on a five-point scale of agreement. The 16-item short form (GRAT-S) was used by Watkins et al. (2017) in a study about joy and gratitude. Response Type: The 16 items are rated on a 9-point scale of agreement from 1 = I strongly disagree to 9 = I strongly agree with the statement. Sample Scale items 1. I couldn't have gotten where I am today without the help of many people. 6. I really don't think that I've gotten all the good things that I deserve in life. (Reverse score)   Reliability: Watkins et al. (2017) reported GRAT-S Cronbach’s alpha = .84. Validity: The GRAT-S was positively correlated with the State Joy Scale and the Dispos...

State Joy Scale

  Scale name: State Joy Scale Scale overview: The State Joy Scale (SJS) is an 11-item self-report rating scale of joy with strong psychometric properties.   Response Type: There are two types of ratings. 1. Items 1-2 are rated on a 7-point frequency basis from 1 = Not at all to 7 = Frequently. See the article for the text for each of the numerical options. 2. Items 3- 11 are rated on a 7-point scale of agreement from 1 = Completely disagree to 7 = Strongly agree. Sample Scale items 1. In the past week, how often have you felt joyful? 7. Something happened this week that made me feel like celebrating.   Reliability: In study 1 of Watkins et al. (2017), Cronbach's alpha = .945. Validity: Factor analysis yielded a one-factor solution, which explained 65.17% of the variance. The State Joy Scale was significantly positively correlated with several measures including the following (correlations follow the scale names). Gratitude Questionnaire-6, ...