Hope (2023) by Geoffrey W Sutton and Bing AI Assessment name: Persevering Hope Scale (PHS) Scale overview: Sandra Yu Rueger and her colleagues developed the Persevering Hope Scale (PHS) to assess peoples’ motivation to persevere in situations where the achievement of goals seems unlikely or even impossible. They drew upon knowledge from theological, empirical, and clinical experience to develop the four-item self-report measure. Authors: Sandra Yu Rueger and her colleagues Response Type: Respondents see a stem, “When an outcome I desire seems unlikely or even impossible…” then rate each variation on the perseverance theme on a scale of frequency from (1 = not at all to 5 = very). Scale items There are four items, which refer to a person’s willingness to keep trying and not give up when pursuing a desired outcome. See the article appendix for the list of items. Psychometric properties Rueger et al. (2023) conducted their research among adults in the US. A...
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