Cramer’s V . A correlation coefficient that may be used with nominal data. It is often included with chi-square test reports. More details about Cramer's V. Cramér's V is a measure of association for categorical data, particularly useful when examining the strength of the relationship between two nominal variables. It provides a value between 0 (no association) and 1 (perfect association), making it an excellent follow-up measure after conducting a Chi-Square test. Here's the formula: V = √(χ² / (n × min(k - 1, r - 1))) Where: χ² is the Chi-Square statistic. n is the total number of observations. k is the number of categories in one variable. r is the number of categories in the other variable. Example: Preferences for Therapy Types and Age Groups Imagine a psychology researcher is studying whether preferences for therapy (e.g., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Group Therapy, Art Therapy) are associated with age groups (Y...
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