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Showing posts with the label romantic attachment

How to Measure Closeness in Relationships- Line Scale of Closeness

  Line Scale of Closeness (LSC) The Line Scale of Closeness (LSC) is a simple measure that can be used in clinical or research settings. In a clinical setting, psychotherapists and clients can explore any barriers to closeness and discuss how the level of closeness has changed over time. The LSC may also be used to identify progress toward counseling goals. To compare changes over time or differences between groups, use a standardized line length such as 7-inches or 18-cm.  On each end of the line, identify the client or participant and on the opposite end of the line, identify the person who is the subject of feeling close to or distant from. Ask the client or participant to place an X on the line to indicate how close they feel toward the other person. Example   Example        ______________________________________________________________ Self Other   Scoring Place a ruler on the scale and record the score in centimeters to two decimal point

Experiences in Close Relationships-Relational Structures

  SCALE NAME:   Experiences in Close Relationships-Relational Structures  (ECR-RS) AUTHORS : Fraley and others  The ECR-RS is a measure of adult attachment that includes four 9-item subscales for mother, father, romantic partner, and best friend attachment ( Fraley et al. , 2011a). Statements on the ECR-RS are rated on a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree ; 7 = strongly agree ).   Sample items from the ECR-RS   I find it easy to depend on this person. I often worry that this person doesn't really care for me.   Reliability values   “In our research, the ECR-RS has proven to be quite useful. The test-retest reliability (over 30 days) of the individual scales are approximately .65 for the domain of romantic relationships (including individuals who experienced breakups during the 30-day period) and .80 in the parental domain.” ( Chris-Fraley, n.d.)   Scale alpha values exceed .90 for each scale, according to Chris-Fraley .   Finding the ECR-RS Questionn


The Adult Attachment Scale or AAS was developed by Professor Nancy Collins at UCSB. The scale was revised in 1996. Attachment theory developed from observations and experiments with children and primates. Many have focused on two dimensions of anxiety and avoidance (or closeness). In the AAS, professor Collins includes a subscale to measure the dependability of a friend. The full scale has 18 items rated on a 1-5 scale ranging from Not at all (1) to very (5) characteristic of me. Following are sample items: 1)          I find it relatively easy to get close to people.                                                      ________ 2)          I find it difficult to allow myself to depend on others.                                          ________ 3)          I often worry that other people don't really love me.                                             ________ The coefficient alpha values range from .78 to .85 for the scales in three studies. The full scale al