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Showing posts with the label revenge

Vengeance Scale - Measuring Revenge

  Scale name: Vengeance Scale Scale overview:   The Vengeance Scale is a 20-item self-report inventory with 10 items reversed scored. Authors: Noreen Stuckless & Richard Goranson Response Type: 7-point Likert type. 1 = Disagree strongly 2 = Disagree 3 = disagree slightly 4 = Neither disagree or agree 5 = Agree slightly 6 = Agree 7 = Agree strongly Subscales: None Sample items It’s not worth my time or effort to pay back someone who has wronged me. (Reverse score) It’s important for me to get back at people who have hurt me.   Psychometric properties: Study 1: The scale mean for the 20 items was 67.28. Men (71.84) scored significantly higher than did women (65.29). Reliability: Study 1 and Study 2 alphas = .92. In study 3, a test-retest correlation = .90. Validity: The structure was examined by Factor Analysis. The researchers concluded that a single factor was the best fit. In study 2, Vengeance scores were negatively correla...