Corona Chapel/ Canterbury/Geoff Sutton 2023 Scale name: Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) Scale overview The Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) is a 5-item measure of religious participation. The Index measures three dimensions of religiosity: 1. Organizational Religious Activity (ORA) 2. Nonorganizational Religious Activity (NORA) 3. Intrinsic Religiosity (IR; also called subjective religiosity) Authors: Koenig et al. (1997). Response Type The DUREL is a self-report scale. Two questions ask about frequency of activity on a 1 to 6 scale. The two items vary slightly in wording. Three items reflect religious experience and are rated on a 5-point scale from 1 = Definitely not true to 5 = Definitely true of me Subscales = 3- see names above Sample items 1. How often do you attend church or other religious meetings? 2. How often do you spend time in private religious activities, such as prayer, meditation, or Bible study? 3. In my life, ...
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