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Showing posts with the label guilt and morality


  Scale name: POST ABORTION QUESTIONNAIRE PAQ Scale overview: The Post-Abortion Questionnaire (PAQ) has 4-items designed to identify the treatment preferences of college women following an abortion.   Response Type: Checklist and fill in the blank Partial example The following topics are suggested areas for post-abortion psychological support. Please indicate all areas that may be of interest to you by marking an X. ____Assist with grief and loss issues associated with abortion ____Assist with improving coping skills after abortion ____Assist with addressing guilt associated with abortion ____Assist with addressing spiritual issues associated with abortion [See the reference for the full PAQ.   Notes The authors used the PAQ in a study, which included measures of anxiety and depression, and grief. See the Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology reference for the results and discussion.   NOTICE : The information about scales and measures is provid

Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale Julie Exline et al.

T he Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale (RSS) assesses six domains of potential struggles, which people may experience. The RSS is a 26-item measure with strong psychometric support. For a list of the items and more details, see the reference below (Exline, Pargament, Grubbs, & Yali, 2014). Based on Exline et al. (2014) and a general reading of the topic, I define religious/ spiritual (RS) struggles as experiences of personal concern linked to RS beliefs, practices, values, or experiences, which negatively affect thinking, feelings, or behavior, relationships, or health. The Six Domains of Spiritual Struggles Following is a quote from page 208 of the 2014 article, which describes the six domains. I have added bold text to help readers identify each domain. Note, r/s is a common abbreviation for religious/spiritual. The measure assesses six domains of r/s struggle: divine (negative emotion centered on beliefs about God or a perceived relationship with God), demo

Measuring Guilt and Shame with the GASP (Guilt and Shame Scale)

Taya Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University has made the Guilt and Shame Proneness Scale (GASP) available online. Here’s what Dr. Cohen said about the scale in 2011. I’ll include a link to the full scale below. The Guilt and Shame Proneness scale (GASP) measures individual differences in the propensity to experience guilt and shame across a range of personal transgressions. The GASP contains four four ‐ item subscales: Guilt ‐ Negative ‐ Behavior ‐ Evaluation (Guilt ‐ NBE), Guilt ‐ Repair, Shame ‐ Negative ‐ Self ‐ Evaluation (Shame ‐ NSE), and Shame ‐ Withdraw. Each item on the GASP is rated on a 7-point scale from 1 = very unlikely to 7 = very likely. Here’s an example of an item from the GASP scale. _____ 1. After realizing you have received too much change at a store, you decide to keep it because the salesclerk doesn't notice. What is the likelihood that you would feel uncomfortable about keeping the money? Information about reliability, validity, a