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How to Measure Closeness in Relationships- Line Scale of Closeness


Line Scale of Closeness (LSC)

The Line Scale of Closeness (LSC) is a simple measure that can be used in clinical or research settings. In a clinical setting, psychotherapists and clients can explore any barriers to closeness and discuss how the level of closeness has changed over time. The LSC may also be used to identify progress toward counseling goals.

To compare changes over time or differences between groups, use a standardized line length such as 7-inches or 18-cm. 

On each end of the line, identify the client or participant and on the opposite end of the line, identify the person who is the subject of feeling close to or distant from. Ask the client or participant to place an X on the line to indicate how close they feel toward the other person.








Place a ruler on the scale and record the score in centimeters to two decimal points e.g., 12.25 cm.

I have used this scale informally and in lab research but I have not published any results.

I have not used the scale in an online format but I think it would be easy with survey software that allows for placing a response along a continuum.


I have worked in a variety of settings. The scale is easy to use with people of different languages or limited vocabulary.



For clients who express feeling distant from God, the Line Scale of Closeness (LSC) is an easy way for them to identify their perception of closeness. 

Although I have not used the word attachment, I hypothesize that the score on the LSC would be significantly correlated with avoidant and anxious attachment measured on Likert-scales.

I have used the scale to measure closeness to God in Christian samples. In experimental procedures, three groups receive similar instructions varied by the person of the Trinity. Most students felt closer to Jesus but the response to God the Father or the Holy Spirit were not consistent. These data suggest that attachment to God inventories may be less accurate than identifying Jesus as the focus of attachment for evangelical Christians. These are only hypotheses because the scale has not been used with a large sample and subject to peer review.


You have permission to use this scale for noncommercial use only (e.g., teaching and research). Kindly cite this post in your reports and presentations.

 Resource Link:  A – Z Test Index

How to cite this post (APA Style)

Sutton, G.W. (2020, December 9). How to Measure Closeness in Relationships: Line Scale of Closeness (LSC)Assessment, Statistics, & Research 

Please consider adding my books as texts or handbooks in clinical and research settings. They are in use by professors teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Psychology, Counselling, Education, and Seminary settings. 

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 Related Measures

Adult Attachment Scale

Attachment to God Inventory





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