The full scale has 18 items rated on a 1-5 scale ranging from Not at all (1) to very (5) characteristic of me.
Following are sample items:
1) I find it relatively easy to get close
to people. ________
2) I find it difficult to allow myself to
depend on others. ________
3) I often worry that other people don't
really love me. ________
The coefficient alpha values range from .78 to .85 for the scales in three studies.
The full scale along with scoring guidelines and useful references were available for download from professor Collins at this link:
Attachment and Attachment Theory
Creating Surveys
Create better surveys for work and school Available on AMAZON |
Collins, N. L. (1996).
Working models of attachment: Implications for explanation, emotion, and
behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 810-832.
Collins, N. L., & Read, S. J.
(1990). Adult attachment, working
models, and relationship quality in dating couples. Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 644-663.
Attachment and Attachment Theory
Publications (many free downloads)
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