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Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale SOI


Scale name:  Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale  (SOI)

Scale overview:

The Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale measures three dimensions of sexual orientation: Affirmation, Exploration, Resolution. English and Spanish versions are available.

Authors:  Toomey, R. B., Anhalt, K., & Shramko, M.

Response Type4-point rating scale: 

1 = Does not describe me at all, 

2 = Describes me a little,

3 = Describes me well, 

4 = Describes me very well.


1 = No me describe en absolute,  

2 = Me escribe un poco,  

3 = Me describe bien,

4 = Me describe muy bien

Subscales: There are three subscales (alpha values in parentheses):

     Affirmation (Spearman-Brown .81)

     Exploration (Spearman-Brown .61)

     Resolution (alpha .67)


Sample items

  1. I have attended events that have helped me learn about my sexual orientation, such as gay-straight alliance meetings or events at a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community center.

  9. I have a clear sense of what my sexual orientation means to me.


  1.  He asistido a eventos que me han ayudado a aprender más acerca de mi orientación sexual. Por ejemplo, he asistido al club de estudiantes GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance/Alianza Gay-Heterosexual) en mi escuela ó a eventos en el centro comunitario LGBT.

  9.  Tengo un sentido claro de lo que significa mi orientación sexual para mí.


Reliability: See the alpha values next to each subscale above.


The authors used factor analysis to examine the structure of the scale.

“In terms of construct validity, we found that SOI resolution and affirmation were both positively associated with self-esteem and negatively correlated with internalized homonegativity. SOI exploration, however, was not associated with self-esteem or internalized homonegativity.” (Toomey et al., 2016, p. 499)

See the article below for more details.

Availability: The full set of items are available in English and Spanish with the four point ratings at the PsycTESTS reference– see below.


   Contact Publisher and Corresponding Author.”

            Publisher: © 2016 by Taylor & Francis


Toomey, R. B., Anhalt, K., & Shramko, M. (2016). Sexual Orientation Identity Development Scale [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS. doi:

Toomey, Russell B., Anhalt, Karla, & Shramko, Maura. (2016). An examination of the validity and reliability of a measure of sexual orientation identity exploration, resolution, and affirmation. Self and Identity, Vol 15(4), 488-504. doi:


Reference for using scales in research:

Buy Creating Surveys on






Reference for clinicians on understanding assessment

Buy Applied Statistics for Counselors






Resource Link:  A – Z Test Index


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