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Clergy Situational Restoration Inventory (CSRI)


Scale name: Clergy Situational Restoration Inventory (CSRI)

Scale overview

The Clergy Situational Restoration Inventory evaluates participants’ attitudes toward restoration based on participant responses to 10 transgression scenarios in which a pastor violated a common sociomoral expectation (Sutton et al. 2007; Sutton & Thomas 2004). The scale uses descriptive Likert-type ratings that range from one (no restoration to ministry) to seven (full restoration to the position previously held). The transgression scenarios include problems of substance abuse, infidelity, and embezzlement. Because of the range of common yet hypothetical scenarios, the developers expected the CSRI to assess a disposition to restore.


Sutton and Jordan (2013) with previous versions used in Sutton et al. (2007), Sutton & Thomas (2004, 2005).


 10- items, which are short scenarios

Response Type

A 7-point rating scale with anchors 1 = No Restoration and 7 = Full restoration.


Principal components analyses revealed two subscales identified as Level 1 and Level 2 where levels appear to represent perceived offense severity and level 2 items are more severe than level 1.

Level 2 consists of 4 of the 10 items: 3,6,8, and 10. All other items are Level 1.

Sample items

The full scale can be found in Sutton and Jordan (2013) or can be downloaded here- see availability below.

2. Pastor, age 43, admits to having a problem with alcohol during the past six months. Alcohol abuse has accounted for missed appointments and “sick days.” No prior abuse history is evident. Appears willing to participate in treatment. Spouse is supportive.

6. Pastor, age 38, admits to adultery lasting a year. Appears to be sincerely apologetic and willing to enter treatment. Spouse appears quite devastated but may consider reconciliation.


In a sample of 210, coefficient alpha values were .86 for Level 1 and .79 for level 2. The correlation between the two subscales = .64 in a sample of participants who actually knew a clergy offender (n = 169). See Sutton and Jordan (2013).


CSRI Level 1 was significantly positively correlated with the following scales

LRSR (Leadership Restoration Scale-Restore)

LRSF (Leadership Restoration Scale-Forgive and Restore)

TFS (Trait Forgiveness Scale; Berry et al., 2005)

SCBS (Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale; Hwang et al., 2008))

CSRI Level 1 was significantly negatively correlated with the following scales

TRIM-A (Transgression Related InterpersonalMotivations- Avoidance; McCullough et al., 1998)

IER-EP (Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religiosity Scale Revised-Extrinsic Personal Subscale; Gorsuch & McPherson, 1989)

CSRI Level 2 was significantly positively correlated with the following scales

LRSR (Leadership Restoration Scale-Restore)

IER-ES (Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religiosity Scale Revised-Extrinsic Social Subscale)


CSRI Level 2 was significantly negatively correlated with the following scale



See Appendix A of Sutton and Jordan (2013) or

Click Here to Download Scale


Permissions -- if identified

This scale may be used in research and teaching at no charge. Please cite Sutton & Jordan (2013). For use in books or any commercial use, contact Geoffrey W. Sutton PhD at


Berry, J. W., Worthington, E. R., O'Connor, L. E., Parrott, L., & Wade, N. G. (2005). Forgivingness, vengeful rumination, and affective traits. Journal of Personality, 73, 183–225. doi:10.1111/j.14676494.2004.00308.x.

Gorsuch, R. L., & McPherson, S. E. (1989). Intrinsic/extrinsic measurement: I/E-Revised and singleitem scales. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 28, 348–354. doi:10.2307/1386745.

Hwang, J., Plante, T., & Lackey, K. (2008). The development of the Santa Clara Brief Compassion Scale: an abbreviation of Sprecher and Fehr's compassionate love scale. Pastoral Psychology, 56, 421–428. doi:10.1007/s11089-008-0117-2.

McCullough, M. E., Rachal, K., Sandage, S. J., Worthington, E., Brown, S., & Hight, T. L. (1998). Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships: II. Theoretical elaboration and measurement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 1586–1603. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.75.6.1586.

Sutton, G. W. (2016). A House Divided: Sexuality, morality, and Christian cultures. Eugene, OR: Pickwick. ISBN: 9781498224888 AMAZON

Sutton, G. W. & Jordan, K. (2013). Evaluating attitudes toward clergy restoration: The psychometric properties of two scales. Pastoral Psychology, 62, 859-871. doi 10.1007/s11089-013-0527-7     [Reference for the CSRI in this post]

Sutton, G. W., McLeland, K. C., Weaks, K. Cogswell, P. E., & Miphouvieng, R. N. (2007). Does gender matter? An exploration of gender, spirituality, forgiveness and restoration following pastor transgressions. Pastoral Psychology. 55, 645-663. doi 10.1007/ s11089-007-0072-3

Sutton, G.W., & Thomas, E. K. (2005). Can derailed pastors be restored? Effects of offense and age on restoration. Pastoral Psychology, 53, 583-599.              Academia Link    Research Gate Link

Thomas, E. K., White, K., & Sutton, G.W. (2008). Religious leadership failure: Apology, responsibility-taking, gender, forgiveness, and restoration. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 27, 16-29.      Academia Link    Research Gate Link


Resource for using scales in research:

Creating Surveys on AMAZON or GOOGLE


 Reference for clinicians on understanding assessment

Applied Statistics Concepts for Counselors on AMAZON or GOOGLE



 Resource Link:  A – Z Test Index


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