The Likelihood of Return to a Christian Counselor (LRCC) is a one-item scale.
Participants in a study of Christian counseling answered one question (āBased on your experience, how likely are you to see a Christian counselor if you felt the need for counseling in the future?ā) posed in the Likelihood of Return to a Christian Counselor (LRCC; Sutton et al., 2018).
The participants responded on a 5-point scale of likelihood (Highly likely, Somewhat likely, Neutral, Somewhat unlikely, Not at all likely).
In study 2, the SCC was significantly positively correlated with the following measures:
Schwartz Outcome Scale (SOS) .56
Theistic Outcome Scale (TSOS) .62
Adult Hope Scale .53
Avoidant subscale of the Attachment to God Inventory -.46
Intratextual Fundamentalism Scale .51
the number of treatment sessions .36
Related Scale
Satisfaction With Counseling (SWC)
Although the measure was used to assess the likelihood of Christian counseling, it could obviously be reworded for other religious or nonreligious counseling. Of course, significant relationships would need to be re-assessed by at least there is a basis for considering the value of a one-item question in clinical practice or research.
The scale is free to use or modify if you cite the source in the reference section below.
Resource Links:
Reference for the scale
Sutton, G. W., Kelly, H., Worthington, E. L. Jr.,
Griffin, B. J., & Dinwiddie, C. (2018) Satisfaction with Christian
Psychotherapy and Well-being: Contributions of Hope, Personality, and
Spirituality. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 5 (1), 8-24,
doi: 10.1037/scp0000145
Assessing Spirituality & Religiosity A Handbook
Beliefs, Practices, Values, & Experiences
Recommended Reference for using scales in research:
Buy Creating Surveys on
Reference for clinicians on understanding assessment
Buy Applied Statistics for Counselors
Resource Link To More Scales: A ā Z Test Index
The information about scales and measures is provided for clinicians and researchers based on professional publications. The links to authors, materials, and references can change. You may be able to locate details by contacting the main author of the original article or another author on the article list.
Post Author
Geoffrey W. Sutton PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology who publishes book and articles about clinical and social psychology including the psychology of religion. Website:
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