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Five-Factor LAMBI Scale of God Representations

  Scale name:   Five-Factor LAMBI Scale of God Representations Scale overview A 25-item scale that measures how people view God. The five letters in LAMBI reflect the five dimensions based on factors identified by statistical analyses. Participants rate each one-word item based on their belief about or experience with God rather than what may be considered a correct belief. Authors: Johnson, Kathryn A., Okun, Morris A., Cohen, Adam B., Sharp, Carissa A., & Hook, Joshua N. Response Type A Likert-type scale with a 7-point rating from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree Subscales and sample items The five subscales are called dimensions. Following each dimension is one of the words participants rate. See the reference to obtain the full scale. L = Limitless e.g., infinite A = Authoritarian e.g., strict M = Mystical e.g., nature B = Benevolent e.g., gracious I = Ineffable Also, 3 items assess views of “No God” that is, Nonexistent, imaginary, and no...

Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale (REIS)

  Scale name: Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale (REIS) Scales overview : The Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale (REIS) is a 28-item measure of emotional intelligence having four subscales. Authors: Pekaar, Keri A., Bakker, Arnold B., van der Linden, Dimitri, & Born, Marise Ph. Response Type: All items are rated on a 5-point Likert type scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree to 5 (totally agree). Subscales = 4   Following are the four subscales with a sample item. Self-focused emotion appraisal( 1. I always know how I feel.) Other-focused emotion appraisal ( 8. I am aware of the emotions of the people around me.) Self-focused emotion regulation ( 15. I am in control of my own emotions.) Other-focused emotion regulation ( 22. I can make someone else feel differently.)   Reliability and Validity “The results indicate that the REIS follows a four-factorial structure and can be reliably measured with 28 items. The REIS was strongly correl...

God Images 4 Different Scales

  Scale name: God Images (4 different but related scales) Scales overview The researchers evaluated 16-items describing different god-images. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded four factors, which are the four subscales each having four items. Authors: Nguyen & Zuckerman (2016)   Response Type All items are rated on a 7-point Likert-type rating: 1 (This does NOT reflect my belief AT ALL) to 7 (This reflects my belief COMPLETELY). Subscales (4) with a sample item (each scale has 4 items)            1. Relational God I feel I am close to God            2. God-as-provider Those who believe in God will be rewarded.            3. God-as-ruler Events that happen in this world are part of God’s plan.            4. God-as-creator     ...

Inventory of Complicated Spiritual Grief 2.0

  Scale name:   Inventory of Complicated Spiritual Grief 2.0 Scale overview The ICSG 2.0 is a 28-item scale. Participants are asked to think about their loss and respond to items to express their beliefs about their feelings. The second version was published as ICSG 2.0 in 2019. Authors: Laurie A. Burke and others (2014) - see reference below For Version 2.0 See Burke et al., 2019 and Burke et al., 2021 Response Type All items are rated on a 5-point Likert-type rating. Subscales : The authors list items associated with three subscales: 1. Insecurity with God 2. Disruption in Religious Practice 3. Estrangement from Spiritual Community Sample items   I’m confused as to why God would let this happen.  People in my spiritual community don’t want me to express my grief much or at all.   Reliability and Validity See the publications for details. Internal consistency is strong. Experts and focus group participants provided evidence of c...

Belief in God Measure

  Scale name: Belief in God Measure Scale overview This is a five-item self-report measure. Authors: J. B. Grubbs et al. Response Type All items are rated on a 5-point Likert-type rating. Subscales Sample items I don’t know whether there is a God, and I don’t believe that there is any way to find out. Psychometric The measure was used to screen for people who believed in God in a study about anger toward God. Availability The items can be found in the references below. Permissions -- if identified May be used in noncommercial research and for educational purposes. SCOPES domain = Self/spirituality Reference Grubbs, J. B., Exline, J. J., & Campbell, W. K. (2013). Belief in God Measure.  PsycTESTS .   Grubbs, J. B., Exline, J. J., & Campbell, W. K. (2013). I deserve better and god knows it! Psychological entitlement as a robust predictor of anger at God. Psychology of Religion and...

Duke University Religion Index (DUREL)

Corona Chapel/ Canterbury/Geoff Sutton 2023 Scale name:      Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) Scale overview The Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) is a 5-item measure of religious participation. The Index measures three dimensions of religiosity: 1. Organizational Religious Activity (ORA) 2. Nonorganizational Religious Activity (NORA) 3. Intrinsic Religiosity (IR; also called subjective religiosity) Authors: Koenig et al. (1997). Response Type The DUREL is a self-report scale. Two questions ask about frequency of activity on a 1 to 6 scale. The two items vary slightly in wording. Three items reflect religious experience and are rated on a 5-point scale from 1 = Definitely not true to 5 = Definitely true of me Subscales = 3- see names above Sample items 1. How often do you attend church or other religious meetings? 2. How often do you spend time in private religious activities, such as prayer, meditation, or Bible study? 3. In my life, ...