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Creative charting of data

This creative time and data chart helps readers understand the details that explain why a broad concept does not always make sense. Official government reports tell us price inflation is low, but our experience tells us so many things cost so much more like health insurance and medical expenses. And compared to retired folks, working people earn so much more than retirees used to earn for the same job. (See  Marketwatch Story for the chart and related data) . I think this type of chart would be useful when dimensions of a metaconcept change over time. For example, the process from an offense to forgiveness has multiple dimensions of change like avoidance and thoughts of revenge. If multiple measures are taken at different time points, they may be plotted over months or years to demonstrate increases and decreases. In fact, the idea of the "cost" of forgiveness might be worthy of consideration. After all, the Christian concept of forgiveness is analogous...

FORGIVENESS - Group Forgiveness Scale GFS

Scale Name: Group Forgiveness Scale (GFS) The Group Forgiveness Scale (GFS) was developed to measure forgiveness of identity-related offenses. Research supports three factors for the 17 items: Avoidance, Revenge, Decision to Forgive. In the article describing its development, the authors focused on problems of race relations in the United States (see Davis et al., 2015, below). The GFS is an adaptation of the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Scale (TRIM). According to the 2015 article by Don Davis and his research team, 17-items resulted in factor loadings on three distinct subscales: Avoidance, Revenge, and Decision to Forgive. Sample items for each factor are as follows: Avoidance             I am avoiding them. Revenge             I am going to get even. Decision to Forgive          ...

Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale Julie Exline et al.

T he Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale (RSS) assesses six domains of potential struggles, which people may experience. The RSS is a 26-item measure with strong psychometric support. For a list of the items and more details, see the reference below (Exline, Pargament, Grubbs, & Yali, 2014). Based on Exline et al. (2014) and a general reading of the topic, I define religious/ spiritual (RS) struggles as experiences of personal concern linked to RS beliefs, practices, values, or experiences, which negatively affect thinking, feelings, or behavior, relationships, or health. The Six Domains of Spiritual Struggles Following is a quote from page 208 of the 2014 article, which describes the six domains. I have added bold text to help readers identify each domain. Note, r/s is a common abbreviation for religious/spiritual. The measure assesses six domains of r/s struggle: divine (negative emotion centered on beliefs about God or a perceived relationship with God), ...

Religious Coping: The Brief RCOPE scale

The Brief RCOPE scale is a 14-item measure of religious coping developed and studied by Kenneth Pargament (e.g., 1997) and his colleagues. The scale is based on coping theory applied to religion and aims to help researchers understand one relationship between people and their religion when they experience a stressful life experience. Research supports two dimensions of coping reflected in the RCOPE scale: positive and negative. These two dimensions are the basis for two subscales of the Brief RCOPE labelled accordingly as Positive Religious Coping Subscale (PRC ) and Negative Religious Subscale (NRC ). Positive coping means drawing upon spiritual resources in a way that helps people cope with stressful events. Such people may have a secure relationship with God or a higher power, hold a benevolent worldview, and have positive relationships with religious others. Negative religious coping indicates intrapersonal religious or spiritual struggles . The conflict may be exp...

Response set and bias in surveys

Response set  is a tendency to respond similarly to all or many questions such as frequently choosing "somewhat agree" on scale options ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree." Response bias occurs when respondents deliberately give false responses. There are many forms of response bias. Acquiescence bias occurs when respondents select only positive answers. This is also called "yea-saying." Demand characteristics influence answers to survey items when the respondent attempts to provide answers according to the way they think an ideal participant should respond. Extreme bias occurs when respondents frequently choose the extreme options on survey items such as the "Strongly Agree" and "Strongly Disagree" options. Hostility bias  occurs when respondents feel provoked by items in the survey. Researchers must take care in wording items that may be sensitive. Explanations and instructions might help reduc...

Dispositional Greed Scale Measuring Greed

The Dispositional Greed Scale is a 7-item rating scale. Participants rate each item on a scale of 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. Permission : The test items may be reproduced and used for noncommercial research and educational purposes. The list of items is available from PsycTESTS. Sample 1. I always want more. 2. Actually, I’m kind of greedy. Read more about greed in the Psychology of Greed. Note : In psychology, a disposition is a relatively durable behavior pattern or trait in contrast to a state, which can vary with situations. Resource Link:  A – Z Test Index References For the test items in PsycTESTS, see: Seuntjens, T. G., Zeelenberg, M., van de Ven, N., & Breugelmans, S. M. (2015). Dispositional Greed Scale [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS. doi: For the article about dispositional greed, see the following reference: Seuntjens, Terri G., Zeelenberg, Marcel, van de Ven, Niels, & B...

Impulsiveness - Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Brief (BIS)

An 8-item version of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale is available. The 30-item BIS is a commonly used measure of impulsiveness. The original scale has undergone a number of revisions. In 2013, Lynne Steinberg and her team evaluated an 11-item version.  Based on the evidence, an 8-item version was developed. The 8-item version is knows as BIS-Brief Each item is rated on a 4-point scale as follows. 1 = rarely/never 2 = occasionally 3 = often 4 = almost always/always Items The items ask the participants about thinking, planning, and self-control. The items  may be used for education and research. purposes. The PsycTESTS entry included the following permissions statement. Test content may be reproduced and used for non-commercial research and educational purposes without seeking written permission. Distribution must be controlled, meaning only to the participants engaged in the research or enrolled in the educational activity. Any other type of reproduction...