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ANCOVA in Counseling & Behavioral Research

  ANCOVA ANCOVA is a procedure like ANOVA except researchers can study the effects of one or more independent variables on a dependent variable after adjusting for other variables, called covariates , which were not a primary focus of the study. The letter C in ANCOVA stands for covariate . There can be several covariates in a study. In testing for differences among groups experiencing different leadership styles, we could study the effects on employee satisfaction after adjusting for a covariate of years of employment. A key word in ANCOVA studies is adjusting . Analysts adjust the scores based on information about the covariate before testing for significant differences. Basic features of an ANCOVA: Independent or grouping Variable = 1 or more Dependent or criterion Variable = 1 Covariates = 1 or more An  F  test indicates significance overall and for specific effects or relationships. A commonly reported measure of effect size is eta squared. A  p  value reveals the probabilit

ANOVA in Counseling & Psychology Research

There are several types of ANOVA procedures. The term ANOVA refers to Analysis of Variance . Variance is a statistical term we will review later. Variance refers to differences, so the ANOVA procedures examine differences in scores among groups of people who complete a survey, a test, or produce a scorable response. For example, an ANOVA can be used to assess the effects of three temperatures on math. The Independent Variable is temperature varies three ways (75, 85, 95 degrees F). The dependent variable is math. The dependent measure of math is a math test. When there is only one independent variable (IV), the ANOVA is called a one-way ANOVA. If there are two IVs the ANOVA is a two-way ANOVA, and so forth. It is rare to go beyond a four-way because the interpretation of interactions is complicated. The ANOVA procedure is usually reported with an F value. The larger the F value, the more likely it is that the differences the researchers found are not due to chance. There may be s

MANOVA in Counseling & Behavioral Sciences

  MANOVA MANOVA is the abbreviation for Multivariate Analysis of Variance . The M stands for multivariate and refers to the presence of more than one dependent variable. A MANOVA may have one or more independent variables and two or more dependent variables. For example, we could examine the effects of different presenters and different forgiveness programs on forgiveness and compassion. Studies with three to four independent variables and three to four dependent variables can be difficult to interpret because many interactions are possible. Independent or grouping Variable = 1 or more Dependent or criterion Variable = 2 or more Overall tests are used to determine significant effects or differences among the grouping variables. An  F  test indicates significance overall and for specific effects or relationships. A commonly reported measure of effect size is eta squared. A  p  value reveals the probability of a significant relationship-- one that is not due to chance factors. Read m


  Chi-Square is a statistical test that can be used to analyze results from categorical variables. Categorical variables are variables that contain clearly different groups. The chi-square statistic is used with frequency data.  The chi-square value is reported with a probability ( p ) value indicating significance.  For example, we can use chi-square to test for an association between frequency of attendance at organizational meetings and age groups (category variable).  Common measures of effect size associated with chi-square analyses are Cramer’s V or the phi coefficient. Read more about Chi Square and other statistics in the following books. Applied Statistics: Concepts for Counselors on  AMAZON  or GOOGLE Creating Surveys on AMAZON     or   GOOGLE  Worldwide Links to Connections   Please check out my website    and see my books on    AMAZON        or  GOOGLE STORE Also, consider connecting with me on    FACEBOOK     Geoff W. Sutton         TWITTER    @Ge

Regression Data Analysis

  Regression is a statistical procedure used to predict values on a criterion variable from the knowledge of values obtained on a predictor variable. For example, an organization may use an employment screening test or survey that has been useful in the past to predict how well employees perform a particular type of job. The criterion variable is a continuous variable, meaning it can have a range of score values. Predictor variables may be either continuous or categorical variables. When there is only one predictor variable and one criterion variable, the procedure is known as simple regression .   Read more about regression in these books. Applied Statistics on AMAZON or GOOGLE Creating Surveys on AMAZON or GOOGLE Checkout My Page    My Books   AMAZON         and            GOOGLE STORE   FOLLOW me on    FACEBOOK     Geoff W. Sutton           X   @Geoff.W.Sutton      PINTEREST   Articles:    Academia   

HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised (HEXACO-PI-R)

  The HEXACO is a six-domain measure of personality available in 60-item and 100-item versions. The scale has been translated into many languages. These scales are available on the HEXACO website. The letters in HEXACO represent the names of the six domains. The domains are referred to as scales and are listed below. I will add a few descriptive words for each scale and provide the link below where you can obtain more details. In addition to the scales for the six domains, each domain has subscales referred to as facet-level scales. I have simply used the word subscales for these facets.   HEXACO authors: Kibeom Lee and Michael C. Ashton ********** Honesty-Humility : temptation to break or follow rules, motivations for personal gain, self-importance. Subscales: Sincerity, Fairness, Greed Avoidance, Modesty Emotionality : fear, worry, anxiety, emotional support Subscales: Fearfulness, Anxiety, Dependence, Sentimentality eXtraversion : interest/ comfort in social interactio