brain-heart by Geoffrey Sutton & Bing AI 2023 Assessment name: Religious Head: Heart Beliefs Scale Scale overview: The Religious Head: Heart Beliefs Scale is a 26-item self-report measure of religious beliefs. The concepts of head and heart were explained in the authors’ literature review. Briefly, head beliefs refer to propositions and mental representations of reality in memory. Heart beliefs refer to implicit and intuitive knowledge, which includes affect. See Park and Carney (2022). Authors: Crystal Park and Carney 2022 Response Type: Items are rated on a scale using a 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) format with a “cannot say” option. Subscales and Examples of Scale items The 26 items are assigned to subscales. The full scale is in the PsycTESTS reference. Supernatural beliefs There exists an all-powerful, all-knowing, loving God Two Views of God Subscales Positive views of God ...
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