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Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale

  Considering Locus of Control 2024 Assessment name: Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale Scale overview: Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale is a 29-item measure of beliefs about external or internal sources of influence on one’s life. The scale is also referred to as LCS. Author: Julian Rotter Response Type: Forced choice between two items. Scale items: See the items at the bottom of this post. Psychometric properties: A review of internal consistency values from several studies revealed a mean of .663 and test-retest mean of .663 (Huizing, 2015). Klockars, A. J., & Varnum, S. W. (1975) found six factors suggesting the scale measures multiple dimensions. Lange and Tiggermann (2010) reported test-retest reliability of .61 in their sample.   Comment : Some researchers have questioned the structure of the original scale in terms of its ability to clearly measure either internal or external locus of control. Additional measures have been developed including ...

Emotional Faces of Prayer

  This image is not one used in the research described below. Assessment name: Emotional Faces of Prayer Scale overview: The Emotional Faces of Prayer consists of seven cartoon faces used to assess children’s responses to questions about prayer. Authors: Bamford and Lagattuta Response Type: “Yes” or “No” response to questions about prayer presented to children along with pictures of faces that illustrate emotions. Items The items are cartoon faces pictured on 4 x 5 inch cards. Four faces represent positive emotions: happy, proud, thankful, okay. Three faces represent negative emotions: sad, mad, afraid. Psychometric properties See the results section for data analyses. Availability: See figure 1 on page 80 of the article for the 7 faces. Communication may be sent to References for the assessment procedure Bamford, C., & Lagattuta, K. H. (2010). A new look at children’s understanding of mind and emotion: The case of prayer. Develo...

Christian-Based Grief Recovery Scale (CGRS)

  Six Dimensions of Recovery Assessment name: Christian-Based Grief Recovery Scale (CGRS) Scale overview: The Christian-Based Grief Recovery Scale (CGRS) is a measure of Christian spirituality focused on recovery from grief. The measures includes 35-items to assess six factors. Authors: Peter Jen Der Pan et al., 2014 Response Type: Four point rating scale Scale items : The items are organized into six factors or subscales. The subscales and sample items are below. 1. Spiritual well-being   With God by my side, I will feel safe and peaceful. 2.   Recovering meaning and sense of control   After experiencing the sorrow, I have realized what the most important things in life are. 3.   Ongoing physical and emotional responses I think it’s unfair that my loved one has passed away while I still have to struggle to survive. 4. Reassuring faith Even though my loved one is no longer alive, I believe that God is always around me and helps me. 5. ...

Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS) Review

  Assessment name: Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS) Scale overview: The Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS) is a 6-item single factor, self-report measure of general intellectual humility. Authors: Mark Leary et al. (2017) Response Type: Participants rate each item on a five-point scale as the item applies to them. The anchors are not at all like me and very much like me . Scale items: There are 6 items   Examples   I question my own opinions, positions, and viewpoints because they could be wrong.   I recognize the value in opinions that are different from my own. Psychometric properties A factor analysis supported one factor. Cronbach’s Alpha = .82 The authors provided evidence of significant positive and negative correlations with other measures including all of the Big Five scales. A few examples of correlation values between the HIS and other measures follow: Openness .33 Existential Quest .35 Dogmatism -.49 self-righteousness - ....