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Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS) Review

  Assessment name: Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS) Scale overview: The Intellectual Humility Scale (IHS) is a 6-item single factor, self-report measure of general intellectual humility. Authors: Mark Leary et al. (2017) Response Type: Participants rate each item on a five-point scale as the item applies to them. The anchors are not at all like me and very much like me . Scale items: There are 6 items   Examples   I question my own opinions, positions, and viewpoints because they could be wrong.   I recognize the value in opinions that are different from my own. Psychometric properties A factor analysis supported one factor. Cronbach’s Alpha = .82 The authors provided evidence of significant positive and negative correlations with other measures including all of the Big Five scales. A few examples of correlation values between the HIS and other measures follow: Openness .33 Existential Quest .35 Dogmatism -.49 self-righteousness - ....

Specific Intellectual Humility Scale (SIHS)- Review

  Assessment name: Specific Intellectual Humility Scale (SIHS) Scale overview: The Specific Intellectual Humility Scale (SIHS) is a nine-item self-report measure of humility in a specific domain, topic, or area of interest such as politics or religion. Authors: Rick H. Hoyle and others (2016) Response Type: Participants rate each item on a five-point scale of degree of how much the item applies to them. The anchor points range from not at all like me to very much like me. Scale items: Each item has a blank to be filled in by the researchers who wish to assess a specific area of humility.  Examples    My views about _____ are just as like to be wrong as other views.    When it comes to my views about _____ I may be overlooking evidence. Psychometric properties Coefficient alpha values were high in several studies for the 9-item version. Coefficient alphas ranged from .77 to .86 for an abbreviated 3-item version. CFA evidence supporte...

Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) - A Review

  Assessment name:   Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) Scale overview: The Calling and Vocation Questionnaire (CVQ) is a 24-item multidimensional rating measure of calling. Authors: Bryan J. Dik et al. (2012) Response Type: Ratings on a four-point scale of what is true about me. The measure may be used as self-report and/or informant-report. (1 = not at all true of me, 2 = somewhat true of me, 3 = mostly true of me, 4 = absolutely true of me) Scale factors and sample items The items are associated with one of six subscales. 1 Presence—Transcendent Summons   Example:  I believe that I have been called to my current line of work. 2 Search—Transcendent Summons   Example:  I’m searching for my calling in my career. 3 Presence—Purposeful work 4 Search—Purposeful work 5 Presence—Prosocial orientation 6 Search—Prosocial orientation Psychometric properties In study 1, the CVQ internal consistency values were high for all six sub...

Faith at Work Scale (FWS)

  Assessment name:   Faith at Work Scale (FWS) Scale overview: The Faith at Work Scale is a 15-item, single-factor, self-report assessment of five dimensions of faith at work. Authors: Monty Lynn, Michael Naughton, Steve VanderVeen Response Type: A five-point rating scale   5 = Always or frequently   4 = Often   3 = Sometimes   2 = Seldom   1 = Never or infrequently Scale items There are 15 items Although there is one factor, the authors identify 5 dimensions: Relationship, Meaning, Community, Holiness, Giving. Sample items:   I sense God’s presence while at work.   I pursue excellence at work because of my faith. Population sampled:   Alumni of business programs from four US religious higher education institutions.    They were stratified by graduation decade between 1958 and 2005   Contact by email 272 of 1284 email responses- active religious workers = 234 Psychometric properties Data analyses s...

Regression to the Mean

  Regression to the mean is a statistical concept based on evidence that a sample of data representing extreme values from the population mean will likely be close to the mean the next time a sample is taken. In psychological testing, people who obtain extreme scores on a test tend to obtain scores closer to the mean on a second testing. That is, high scorers tend to earn lower scores and low scorers tend to earn higher scores. The term, Regression to the Mean is sometimes referred to as RTM. The concept appears in a paper by British scientist Sir Francis Galton (1886). Notes I originally published this post in the Sutton (2024) location referred to in references. This is a copy of that post. I created the image in Microsoft designer. References Galton, F. (1886). Regression towards mediocrity in hereditary stature.  The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland , 15, 246-263. Sutton, G. W. (2024, January 5). Regression to the mean.  Psychology...

A/B God Scale

  Assessment name:   A/B God Scale Scale overview: The A/B God Scale measures God representations with two scales, which assess an Authoritarian (A) and a Benevolent (B) representation of God. Authors: Kathryn A. Johnson et al. Response Type: The participants rate adjectives on a 7-point scale of agreement.   Scale items: There are 18 items, nine each for the A and B scales. Examples of Adjectives A Authoritarian God    Controlling   Strict   Punishing B Benevolent God   Gracious   Forgiving   Compassionate Psychometric properties From Johnson et al. (2015): The two-scale structure was supported by the results of Principal Components Analysis. In study 1, alpha values were above .90 for scales A and B. See the four studies for additional data supporting strong internal consistency. The authors also report test-retest values and validity data. Big 5 correlations A God was significantly negatively correlated with...