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Identity Salience Questionnaire (ISQ)

  Assessment name: Identity Salience Questionnaire (ISQ) Scale overview: The Identity Salience Questionnaire (ISQ) is a 6-item self-report measure of two dimensions of an identity: The persistence of the identity in thought and the awareness of the identity in a context. Read more about the concept, Identity Salience. Response Type: Items are rated on a scale of agreement from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. Scale items The first three items measure “Chronic Salience” and the second group of three items measure “Contextual Salience.” The letter “X” should be replaced by the researcher based on the specific social identity they are studying. The six items should be presented in random order. Chronic salience items refer to how often someone thinks about their identity. Contextual Salience items refer to when a person thinks about their identity such as when a person says something in conversation.   Reliability and Validity In the article below, t...

Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test-Short Form (GRAT-S)

  Scale name: Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test-Short Form (GRAT-S) Scale overview: The short form of the Gratitude Resentment and Appreciation Test (GRAT-S) is a self-report measure, which consists of 16 items assessing trait gratitude. The original GRAT scale by Watkins et al. (2003) consisted of 44 items rated on a five-point scale of agreement. The 16-item short form (GRAT-S) was used by Watkins et al. (2017) in a study about joy and gratitude. Response Type: The 16 items are rated on a 9-point scale of agreement from 1 = I strongly disagree to 9 = I strongly agree with the statement. Sample Scale items 1. I couldn't have gotten where I am today without the help of many people. 6. I really don't think that I've gotten all the good things that I deserve in life. (Reverse score)   Reliability: Watkins et al. (2017) reported GRAT-S Cronbach’s alpha = .84. Validity: The GRAT-S was positively correlated with the State Joy Scale and the Dispos...

State Joy Scale

  Scale name: State Joy Scale Scale overview: The State Joy Scale (SJS) is an 11-item self-report rating scale of joy with strong psychometric properties.   Response Type: There are two types of ratings. 1. Items 1-2 are rated on a 7-point frequency basis from 1 = Not at all to 7 = Frequently. See the article for the text for each of the numerical options. 2. Items 3- 11 are rated on a 7-point scale of agreement from 1 = Completely disagree to 7 = Strongly agree. Sample Scale items 1. In the past week, how often have you felt joyful? 7. Something happened this week that made me feel like celebrating.   Reliability: In study 1 of Watkins et al. (2017), Cronbach's alpha = .945. Validity: Factor analysis yielded a one-factor solution, which explained 65.17% of the variance. The State Joy Scale was significantly positively correlated with several measures including the following (correlations follow the scale names). Gratitude Questionnaire-6, ...

Dispositional Joy Scale (DJS)

  Scale name: Dispositional Joy Scale (DJS) Scale overview: The Dispositional Joy Scale (DJS) is a 16-item self-report measure of joy as a trait or disposition with strong psychometric support.   Response Type: Items are rated on a scale of agreement from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. The numbers 2 through 6 are not labeled. Scale items- example I often feel bursts of joy. I often feel blessed.     Reliability: Internal consistency was alpha = .954 (Study 1) and .96 and .97 (Study 2; Watkins et al., 2017). Validity: Factor analysis resulted in a one factor solution accounting for nearly 60% of the variance (Watkins et al., 2017). The Dispositional Joy Scale was significantly correlated with other positive psychology measures. Some examples follow with correlation coefficients next to the associated scale (Study 2, Watkins et al., 2017). State Joy Scale .68 State Gratitude .58 Trait Gratitude GRAT-S .68 Trait Gratitude GQ...

GRATITUDE - Measuring Gratitude

In this post, I refer to a set of items to assess gratitude. The  Gratitude Questionnaire  uses six items and was published by McCullough, Emmons, and Tsang in 2002. I have written elsewhere about gratitude . People high in the virtue of gratitude are often high in other virtues as well such as optimism and life satisfaction. They also tend to be more religious. In a previous post, The Psychology of Gratitude , I list some suggestions to increase gratitude. Reliability In previous research, the authors found support for one factor. Coefficient alpha , a measure of interitem consistency, ranged from .76 to .84 in samples reported by the authors  (McCullough, Emmons, & Tsang, 2002; McCullough, Tsang, & Emmons, 2002). Rating the Scale Items When using the scale in surveys the items are rated on a 7-point scale from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (7). High scores indicate a higher level of self-reported gratitude. Here's the 7-point rating: 1 ...