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 A two-part Racism Scale has some intriguing wording to promote self-evaluation and identify change. There are no psychometric data on the website but it is popular and has been revised several times. I think researchers could easily quantify the measuring bars on each scale and use this to identify group averages, trends, and changes following interventions. Please post a link if you see the scale in a peer-reviewed publication or professional conference. Read more about the psychology of race and racism. You can download a copy of the scale in pdf format from the website -here is the link to the website: Following is a photo of the scale: If you are considering a survey project, please take a look at my book, Creating Surveys on AMAZON Cite this blog Sutton, G.W. (2020, August 15). Racism scale. Assessment, Statistics, & Research . Read more about the psychology of prejudice and d...

Measuring Sexism Ambivalent Sexism Inventory the ASI Scale

The  Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI)  can be found in a publication by Peter Glick and Susan T. Fiske (1996). The scale is not a general sexism inventory. Instead, the ASI measures sexist attitudes toward women using two subscales: Hostile Sexism and Benevolent Sexism.  Hostile sexism  is the familiar negative prejudice that overtly harms women. The analysis suggested a unitary construct marked by dominance or women.      Example:  Most women interpret innocent remarks or acts as being sexist. Benevolent sexism  is also harmful but is not always recognized by men. Three components are Protective paternalism, Complementary Gender Differentiation, and Heterosexual Intimacy.      Example: Women, compared to men, tend to have a superior moral sensibility. Men who are sexist in this dual sense do not appear to experience tension. For example, they may view women as incompetent for certain work yet feel women ought to b...

Reporting Survey Data Using Maps

 In a previous post, I reported the value of reporting polling data using averages of many polls for the leading candidates. I mentioned that national polls are interesting but the US chooses a president based on the electoral college. Because the electors are chosen by states, it makes sense to predict winners by observing how the population of a state is likely to vote and thereby decide how many electors "won" by a candidate. This assumes an elector does not go rogue and vote for their preferred candidate. This map can of course change with every new poll, but has the potential for a more accurate prediction than charts of national polls. The chart map video is from NBC News . How do you create map charts? Microsoft Excel has you covered-- see Create a Map chart in Excel .   In Excel, you will find the map option labeled Geography under the Data tab. You can download examples with several map charts from Microsoft . Learn more about surveys in Creating Surveys available o...

Charting Dual Average Percentages as Linear Trends

An excellent example of presenting two sets of data from multiple sources over time can be found in the presentation of polling data on FiveThirtyEight .* The point of  this post is to identify a useful way to present data from multiple sources over time. The charts are continually updated as data from new polls are received*. The data for each of the two main candidates are plotted and a trend line shows the averages for each candidate. From left to right we see the progress based on the dates of each poll. Notes about the chart and the data 1. Percentages can be averaged and yield a meaningful and easy way to interpret multiple sets of data. 2. The narrowing and widening of the trend lines offers a quick glance at what is happening for each candidate or data source. 3. Averaging polls from multiple sources helps avoid bias due to emphasizing preferred outcomes. 4. Below the chart are tables of data showing important information useful to research methods    4.1 Dates ar...

How to Report Results of a Tracking Poll

Tracking polls are useful for evaluating changes in attitudes overtime. A simple yet effective approach is to plot the percentages of people responding in one of two ways each time you collect data. In the example from the Washington Post-ABC News poll, the pollsters collected opinions of the public on the way the president was handling the coronavirus outbreak. By connecting the data points with different colored lines, the change is evident at a quick glance. If you are interested in this particular subject, see the article by Clement and Balz, The Washington Post, July 17, 2020. READ MORE about surveys and charts in Creating Surveys on AMAZON and other stores worldwide. Links to Connections My Page    My Books   AMAZON           and             GOOGLE STORE   FOLLOW   FACEBOOK   ...


The US president caused a stir when he responded to a journalist question about police violence claiming that  more white Americans are killed by police than are black Americans ( Montanero , 2020). Is the president right? The correct answer deals with how you view the available data. Yes, if you count the  number of people killed by police. But keep reading. No, if you consider the rate of killing compared to the small percentage of Blacks in the US. So, what are the facts? ( Source = Washington Post  July 14, 2020 ) Number of people killed by police by race category Whites 2,499 Blacks 1,301 Hispanic 907 Other 220 Now consider the population sizes in millions Whites 197 Blacks 42 Hispanic 39 Other 49 Learn more about surveys and statistics  in Creating Surveys on AMAZON As you can see, Blacks are killed at a far higher rate than are whites, but more Whites are killed than Blacks. Unfortunately, discussions of race have become politicized. You can see the bar chart...

Progress in Covid 19 Deaths

DATA SOURCE = The number of people dying from COVID-19 has declined since the second half of April. Because we now have so many data points, I plotted half months rather than 7-day periods as before. Note that March and May have an extra day in the second half compared to April and June. I hope that the recent surge in hospitalizations in some US states do not mean a return to higher death counts. Of course, the symptoms can be severe for some survivors. Nevertheless, the death rate is in decline. We are seeing far more infections compared to European nations, which are now going to work and open for international travel. Resistance to safety recommendations appears high in some crowded areas like beaches in the US. The European data suggest what could happen for the US if people would voluntarily follow the scientific guidance about quality masks, safe distances, and hand washing. Avoiding close contact with infected per...