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Showing posts from August, 2023

Spiritual Assessment Inventory

  Girls by a stone church 2023 by Geoffrey W Sutton & Bing AI Assessment name:   Spiritual Assessment Inventory Scale overview: The Spiritual Assessment Inventory (SAI-2002) is a 48-item self-report measure of spiritual development (Hall & Edwards, 1996, 2002): Awareness of God and Quality of Relationship with God. Authors: Hall & Edwards Response Type: . Respondents rate each item on a five-point scale of personal truth (1= not at all true, 2 = slightly true, 3 = moderately true, 4 = substantially true, and 5 = very true). Scales The authors examined a large pool of items in several studies and identified the best items that measured the following five factors. The items are included in the 2002 reference. Awareness of God (A) Disappointment in Relationship with God (D) Realistic Acceptance of God (R) Grandiosity in Relationship with God (G Instability in Relationship with God (I)   Psychometric properties The authors provide evid...

Connection of Soul Scale (COS) - an Afterlife Assessment

  Woman above cemetery 2023 Geoffrey W Sutton and Bing AI Assessment name:   Connection of Soul Scale (COS) Scale overview: The Connection of Soul Scale (COS) is a 12-item measure of three categories of belief in the life of one’s soul after death: Secular, God-centered, Cosmic-Spiritual Authors: Amy L. Li et al. Response Type: Respondents rate each item on a six-point scale of agreement from 0 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. Scale items The 12 COS items are associated with one of the three factors or subscales. Each subscale has four items. The secular view reflects a lack of belief in an afterlife. The God-centered view was designed to assess beliefs in Western ideas such as a soul’s existence in paradise or heaven. The Cosmic- spiritual view includes items associated with Eastern religions such as reaching enlightenment or joining with a universal spirit. Psychometric properties In their study, Ai et al. (2014) reported data from three studies. T...

S-Curves Psychological Research and Statistics

 Students in many fields learn that relationships between variables may be described as a simple one-to-one correspondence or linear. We often see tables of correlations in journal articles and presentations. Unless otherwise stated, the correlations appear to assume a linear relationship exists. As one variable increases so does the other or as one variable increases, the other declines. But we also learn that some relationships are nonlinear such as the forgetting curve (remember Ebbinghaus) or the learning curve depicted as an S-shape. The classic learning curve illustrates the relationship between learning and experience and is often presented as an S-curve. At first, progress is slow—the curve of learning rises a little. Then, with experience, learning rises rapidly up to a point when it seems to level off at a person’s level of proficiency. This curve has many names such as progress curve, startup curve, and experience curve. However, we should follow the data rather than ass...

Persevering Hope Scale (PHS)

  Hope (2023) by Geoffrey W Sutton and Bing AI Assessment name:   Persevering Hope Scale (PHS) Scale overview: Sandra Yu Rueger and her colleagues developed the Persevering Hope Scale (PHS) to assess peoples’ motivation to persevere in situations where the achievement of goals seems unlikely or even impossible. They drew upon knowledge from theological, empirical, and clinical experience to develop the four-item self-report measure. Authors: Sandra Yu Rueger and her colleagues Response Type: Respondents see a stem, “When an outcome I desire seems unlikely or even impossible…” then rate each variation on the perseverance theme on a scale of frequency from (1 = not at all to 5 = very). Scale items There are four items, which refer to a person’s willingness to keep trying and not give up when pursuing a desired outcome. See the article appendix for the list of items. Psychometric properties Rueger et al. (2023) conducted their research among adults in the US. A...