Scale overview: The Spiritual Meaning Scale (SMS) was developed to measure a person’s belief in a meaningful life, which may include the idea that life has a purpose (Mascaro et al., 2004). A revised version has 15 items (Mascaro & Rosen, 2006). Authors: Mascaro and Rosen Response Type: Each item is rated on a five-point scale of personal agreement from 1 = I totally disagree to 5 = I totally agree. Scale items Psychometric properties Mascaro (2006) reported evidence of good internal and test-retest reliability. Validity evidence includes significant positive correlations with hope and significant negative correlations with depression and hopelessness. Availability: See Mascaro, N. (29 October 2006) below. References for the scale Mascaro, N. (29 October 2006). Longitudinal analysis of the relationship of existential meaning with depression and hope. Dissertation retrieved from Longitudinal analysis of the relationship of existential meaning wi...
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