Gender Identity/ Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents
and Adults (GIDYQ-AA) The GIDYQ-AA is a 27-item scale with separate versions for
females and males. Format: Each item is rated on a 5-point scale based on the past
12-months. The rating text is as follows (along with numerical score): Always
(coded as 1), Often (2), Sometimes (3), Rarely (4), or Never (5). Versions There are two version: a female and a male version. Sample Items Female 1. In the past 12 months, have you felt satisfied being a
woman? 2. In the past 12 months, have you felt uncertain about
your gender, that is, feeling somewhere inbetween a woman and a man? Male 3. In the past 12 months, have you felt pressured by
others to be a man, although you don't really feel like one? Permission to use the questionnaire Contact the publisher (Taylor & Francis) and
corresponding author ( Taylor & Francis article link:
Scale location The full set of 27-items for both versions is available at
the PsychTESTS database—see the reference below. Resource Link: A – Z Test Index Deogracias, J. J., Johnson, L. L., Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F.
L., Kessler, S. J., Schober, J. M., & Zucker, K. J. (2007). The gender
identity/gender dysphoria questionnaire for adolescents and adults. Journal
of Sex Research, 44(4), 370-379. doi: Deogracias, J. J., Johnson, L. L., Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F.
L., Kessler, S. J., Schober, J. M., & Zucker, K. J. (2007). Gender
Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents and Adults. PsycTESTS.
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Articles: Academia Geoff
W Sutton ResearchGate
Geoffrey W Sutton |
The Personal Self-Concept Questionnaire ( PSQ ) Overview The Personal Self-Concept Questionnaire (PSQ) measures self-concept based on ratings of 18 items, which are grouped into four categories: Self-fulfilment, autonomy, honesty, and emotional self-concept. Subscales : The PSQ has four subscales 1. Self-fulfilment (6 items) 2. Autonomy (4 items) 3. Honesty (3 items) 4. Emotional self-concept (5 items) 👉 [ Read more about Self-Concept and Self-Identity] The PSQ is a Likert-type scale with five response options ranging from totally disagree to totally agree. Reliability and Validity In the first study, coefficient alpha = .85 and in study two, alpha = .83. Data analysis supported a four-dimensional model (see the four categories above). Positive correlations with other self-concept measures were statistically significant. Other notes The authors estimated it took about 10 minutes to complete the PSQ. Their first study included people ages 12 to 36 ( n = 50...
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