Are we there yet? The most recent weekly data suggest a downward move in the number of people who died in the past week.
In the previous chart, there appeared to be a channel or range between 1800 and 2000 per day with some anomalies. Now that we have more data, it is possible to group the data.
I am avoiding curves and means because it is not clear that there is a curve or that the data are normally distributed. The bar chart offers a clear picture of rapid increase and possibly (and hopefully a decline.
In this chart, I used weekly totals beginning with March 7, 2020 (M = March, A = April).
Important note: The numbers may be revised. This chart is for educational purposes only and not for planning.
Here is my source for the data
Date Deaths
M21 | 213 |
M28 | 1447 |
A4 | 5450 |
A11 | 11620 |
A18 | 18277 |
A25 | 13963 |
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