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Transformational Leadership Survey

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Transformational leadership is a popular style of leadership with evidence that transformational leaders influence work teams. Transformational leaders have been identified as those with a charismatic personality who inspire others with a clear vision for the future. They communicate well and serve as role models as they inspire confidence and increase motivation.

Here's a quote from Edwards et al., 2010

Burns (1978)[18] first conceptualized transformational leaders as those who mobilize their efforts to reform organizations, in part by raising followers’ consciousness beyond personal interests to be more in line with organizational goals and vision. Interactive and highly participatory encounters among all members of a team are key ingredients. Through these interactions, visions emerge, consensus is built, plans are discussed, and potential roadblocks are explored, increasing buy-in and accountability among team members. Leaders influence the process by promoting intellectual stimulation, inspiring motivation, and taking each member’s needs into consideration (Bass, 1985[19]).


You can find a short online measure that includes 12-items at this McGrawHill link. Each item is rated on a 5-point scale. It can be scored after you respond to each item.


A more in-depth survey with a complete list of items is also available online as an Appendix to a
published article by Jennifer Edwards and her colleagues (2010). The study was funded by NIDA. In case the link does not work, Here is the author contact information:

Corresponding Author: Jennifer R. Edwards, M.S., Graduate Research Assistant, Institute of Behavioral Research, Texas Christian University, TCU Box 298740, Fort Worth, TX 76129, Telephone: (817) 257-7226, Fax: (817) 257-7290, ude.uct@sdrawde.r.j[1]

Because of the length of the TLS, I will only include a few sample items.

IN1. shows determination on the job.

Encourages Innovation
EI2. attempts to improve the program by taking a new approach to business as usual.

Inspirational Motivation
IM3. makes staff aware of the need for change in the program.


Edwards, J. R., Knight, D. K., Broome, K. M., & Flynn, P. M. (2010). The Development and Validation of a Transformational Leadership Survey for Substance Use Treatment Programs. Substance Use & Misuse, 45(9), 1279–1302.
  ncbi link

Learn more about Creating Surveys in my book available on AMAZON.

If you work with leaders as a coach or counselor, you may be interested in this book- Applied Statistics, Concepts for Counselors - also on AMAZON.

Find more survey items and links to surveys at the Creating Survey website.

Resource Link:  A – Z Test Index

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