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Showing posts from June, 2023

Islamophobia Scale

  Islamic Center of America (Bing Free to Share & Use/ Wikipedia) Assessment name:   Islamophobia Scale (IS) Scale overview: The Islamophobia Scale (IS) is a 16-item, two-factor, self-report measure of a person’s fear-related attitudes toward Muslims and the religion of Islam. Authors: Lee, Gibbons, and Thompson Response Type: Scale items: There are 8 items for each of two factors (subscales) for a total of 16 items. AB factor: Islamophobia Affective-Behavioral Items include statements about avoiding contact with Muslims and concerns about safety around Muslims. CG factor: Islamophobia Cognitive Items include statements about Islam and danger, violence, evil, and killing of non-Muslims as well as Islam as anti-American. Psychometric properties Internal consistency: Alpha values: For scale AB = .92, Scale CG = .93 (Lee et al., 2013) Tests-retest reliability: For an average of 11.56 days, the values for each scale were AB = .85, CG = .96 (Lee et al....

Purpose in Life Scale (PIL)

  Assessment name:   Purpose in Life Scale (PIL) Scale overview: The Purpose in Life Scale (PIL) uses 20 items to measure a person’s view of their purpose in life or the meaningfulness of life. Authors: Crumbaugh and Maholick Response Type: Part A: A self-report 7-point rating scale. Part B: 13 sentence-completion items about one’s life purpose Part C: respondents are asked to write a paragraph, which includes such concepts as life goals, hopes, and so forth. Research has focused on the part A items. The unique anchors have been changed to a 7-point scale of agreement by other researchers. Sample Scale items Sample Part A Item 1 original format I am usually 1=Completely bored‚ 2‚ 3‚ 4=Neutral‚ 5‚ 6‚ 7 = exuberant‚ enthusiastic Sample Part A Item 2 revised rating anchors from 1 = Strongly Disagree to 7 = Strongly Agree Life to me seems always exciting.   Psychometric properties High scores represent a greater sense of meaning in life and l...

Attitudes Toward Forgiveness Scale

  Letting Go 2023 by Geoffrey Sutton & Bing Assessment name:   Attitudes Toward Forgiveness Scale (ATFS) Scale overview: The Attitudes Toward Forgiveness Scale is a 6-item measure of a person’s attitudes toward forgiveness. Author: Ryan P. Brown Response Type: 7-point rating scale of agreement from 1 = strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree. Sample Scale items     “I believe that forgiveness is a moral virtue.”     “It is admirable to be a forgiving person.” Psychometric properties Hall, Edwards, and Wang (2016) used the ATFS in a survey of college students. They omitted item 6 and reported Cronbach’s alpha of .69 for the other five items. Read more: The Psychology of Forgiveness Availability: Find the full list of 6 items in the 2003 PsycTESTS reference. Reference for the scale Brown, R. P. (2003). Attitudes Toward Forgiveness Scale [Database record]. Retrieved from PsycTESTS . doi:

Divine Forgiveness Scale Fincham and May

  Assessment name:   Divine Forgiveness Scale Scale overview: Divine Forgiveness is a five-item self-report measure of a person’s perception of being forgiven by God. Authors: Frank Fincham and Ross May Response Type: The first 3 items are rated on a 4-point scale of agreement from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The last 2 item are rated on a scale of frequency of forgiveness from never to many times. Scale items See Fincham and May 2023, page 168 and 2019 page 3. “How often have you felt that God forgives you?” “I am certain that God forgives me when I seek His forgiveness” “Knowing that I am forgiven for my sins gives me the strength to face my faults and be a better person” “How often do you experience situations in which you have the feeling that God is merciful to you?” “How often do you experience situations in which you have the feeling that God delivers you from a debt?” Psychometric properties Refer to two Fincham and May publicatio...

The Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (4th Edition; AIQ-IV)

  Assessment name:   The Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (4th Edition; AIQ-IV) Scale overview: The Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (4th Edition; AIQ-IV) measures four different aspects of self-identity: personal, relational, collective, and public. The four different aspects are known as the tetrapartite model (Cheek & Cheek, 2018) Authors: Cheek & Briggs, 2013 Response Type: The AIQ-IV uses a 5-point rating scale of personal importance. 1 = Not important to my sense of who I am 2 = Slightly important to my sense of who I am 3 = Somewhat important to my sense of who I am 4 = Very important to my sense of who I am 5 = Extremely important to my sense of who I am Scale items The items list 45 aspects of self-identity such as personal goals and appearance, relationships, religion, and social status. Psychometric properties Internal consistency. Sabates and Price (2023) reported good to high alpha values for the subscales using the 4th editi...

Belongingness Scale

  Rejection 2023/ Geoffrey Sutton and Bing AI Assessment name:   Belongingness Scale overview: Belongingness is a five-item self-report measure of the degree to which a person feels they belong with others. Note. The five items were used as a measure of belongingness in a study about religious identity. Authors: Cameron D. Mackey, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, and Kimberly Rios Response Type: The items are rated on a 7-point scale from 1 = not at all to 7 = extremely. Scale items I feel as one with other people. I feel that I belong. I do not feel accepted by others (R). In daily life, I feel connected with others. I feel like an outsider (R). R = reverse scored Psychometric properties The authors reported a sample size of 1,626. For the 7-point rating, M = 4.67 and SD = 1.15 Alpha = .77.   Availability: The items are listed on page 5 of the article. Reference for the scale Mackey, C. D., Van Tongeren, D. R., & Rios, K. (2023, May 11)...