If the posted data are accurate, we have an evident decrease on weekly deaths for the 7-days ending May 22 2020, which is the far right column. That is two weeks of decline and much lower than the April 18 column. The bad news is of course that the US has reached 100,000 deaths. Legend M21 to A25 and M1 represent the Month and Day. The numbers below the dates are for the 7-days including the date. For example, M1 = 11,989 deaths in the 7-days before and including May 1, 2020. The first M dates are for March, then A for the April dates, then back to May again for M1 and so forth. The data are beginning to look like a bell curve, but with many states allowing more freedom of movement, it is too early to tell if there will be a rise in a week or two. The data are from https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/total-daily-covid-deaths I use the download data file and create the chart in Excel. Read more about statistics in these two books. Creating Surveys...
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