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Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale- 5-Item (RSS-5)

Prayers 2025 Geoffrey W Sutton & Assessment name: Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale- 5-Item (RSS-5) Scale overview: The five-item version of the Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale (RSS-5) is a reliable measure of clinically relevant struggles (divine, interpersonal, moral, doubt, ultimate meaning struggles) in mental health care settings.   Authors: Sarah G. Salcone, Julie J. Exline, Kenneth I. Pargament, Joseph M. Currier, Ryon C. McDermott, Don E. Davis, Amanda M. Raines, Yejin Lee· Cite this post Sutton, G.W. (2025). Religious and Spiritual Struggles Scale- 5-Item (RSS-5). Assessment, Statistics, and Research . Response Type: Participants rated each item on a scale of occurrence from 1 = Not at all to 5 = A great deal.  Scale items: There are five items–one from each of the five subscales of the long RSS scale.    Example Questioned whe...

Cultural Humility Scale Short Form 2024

Counseling 2025 by Geoffrey W Sutton and Assessment name: Cultural Humility Scale Short Form Scale overview: The Cultural Humility Scale Short Form (CHS-SF) has two 3-item subscales (positive/negative cultural humility) developed for clinical practice. In two studies, the authors provided evidence for strong internal consistency, supportive construct and discriminant validity. Authors : Coleman, J. J., Grajzel, K., Dong, Y., Davis, D. E., DeBlaere, C., Hook, J. N., & Owen, J. Response Type: Participants rate the Cultural Humility Scale Short Form on a five-point scale of agreement from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Scale items:    There are three positive and three negative items.     The instructions read:    [Regarding the core aspect(s) of my cultural background, my counselor…]    A positive item: Is considerate    A negative item: Makes assumptions about me. Psychometric properties: See the included tables...

Dominance (an IPIP Scale)

Assessment name: Dominance an IPIP scale Scale overview: T he dominance scale is one of 33 preliminary IPIP scales purported to measure a similar construct on Gough’s California Psychological Inventory. Authors : See the reference link below. Response Type: A suggested response type is to instruct participants to rate items on a degree of how accurate the item describes themselves. Following is a quote between the hyphen lines from the IPIP website. ------ How Accurately Can You Describe Yourself? Describe yourself as you generally are now, not as you wish to be in the future. Describe yourself as you honestly see yourself, in relation to other people you know of the same sex as you are, and roughly your same age. So that you can describe yourself in an honest manner, your responses will be kept in absolute confidence. Indicate for each statement whether it is 1. Very Inaccurate, 2. Moderately Inaccurate, 3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate, 4. Moderately Accurate, or 5. Very Accurate a...

Cultural Christian A Qualitative Measure (CCQC)

Christian-Secular Culture 2025 Assessment name: Cultural Christian: A Qualitative Questionnaire (CCQC) Scale overview: The Cultural Christian: A Qualitative Questionnaire (CCQC) consists of a set of questions designed to identify how closely an interviewee aligns with the characteristics of a cultural Christian, as opposed to someone who actively adheres to the core tenets of Christianity and participates in a recognized Christian denomination or group. Author : Geoffrey W. Sutton Response Type: Open-ended questions. SCALE ITEMS The following questions can aid in interviews and research on Christian types. Clinicians and researchers can adjust these questions based on their needs. The answers can help differentiate between cultural Christians and those deeply committed to core Christian beliefs and active in a Christian community. [Read more about Cultural Christianity at ] QUESTIONS 1. What Christian...

Adolescent Religious Coping Scale

Assessment name:  Adolescent Religious Coping Scale Scale overview: The Adolescent Religious Coping Scale is a multidimensional measure of adolescent religious coping developed to assess the relationship between religious coping and emotional functioning.  Authors : Jeffrey P. Bjorck and others – see 2010 reference below Response Type : Self-report ratings Scale items: There are seven subscales as follows organized in two groupings: I. ACTIVE COPING 1 Positive God focused Coping 2 Seeking Religious Support 3 Constructive Distraction II. PASSIVE COPING 4 Questioning 5 Avoidance 6 Denial 7 Deferring Psychometric properties The main sample data were gathered from 2 Christian schools in Southern California. (N = 500) The second sample was from a Church of Christ Congregation in Texas (N = 62). The results of factor analysis supported 7 factors and 39 total items. Cronbach alpha values are provided in the article. There is support for content, construct, and concurrent validity in...